Only Individuals Making Quality Decisions Will Improve the World Robert M. Pirsig

My personal feeling is that this is how any further improvement of the world will be done: by individuals making Quality decisions and that’s all. God, I don’t want to have any more enthusiasm for big programs full of social planning for big masses of people that leave individual Quality out. These can be left … Continue reading Only Individuals Making Quality Decisions Will Improve the World Robert M. Pirsig

Without Dialogue Megan Reitz

Without dialogue, we extinguish ideas, we cover up wrongdoing, the quality of our decision-making deteriorates and our engagement plummets. Credit: Megan Reitz Source: Megan Reitz website homepage 31 Oct 2019Posts where this quotation is embedded A Knowledge Café at Viva What are the future possibilities for the Kuwaiti Mobile Telecoms Industry? Al Jazeera Cafe An interesting experiment … Continue reading Without Dialogue Megan Reitz

A Cardinal Principle of Total Quality Escapes Too Many Managers Stephen Covey

A cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers: you cannot continuously improve interdependent systems and processes until you progressively perfect interdependent, interpersonal relationships. Credit: Stephen Covey Comment: Covey’s principle reinforces a key idea in Conversational Leadership: continuous improvement thrives when relationships are strong, and strong relationships are built through open, intentional conversations.Source: Covey … Continue reading A Cardinal Principle of Total Quality Escapes Too Many Managers Stephen Covey

Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** We all need to take responsibility for the quality of our conversations

Turn Monologues Into Dialogues Speak with Less Conviction Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Take responsibility for the conversation: A few participants dominate many conversations, and as a result, there is no real engagement or energy in the discussion. How can this be resolved? The solution is for us all to take responsibility for … Continue reading Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** We all need to take responsibility for the quality of our conversations