Amy Edmondson Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management, Harvard Business School

Amy Edmondson is a scholar and the Novartis Professor of Leadership at the Harvard Business School. She is probably best known for her work on psychological safety. Psychological Safety | Amy Edmondson WikipediaAmy EdmondsonLinkedinAmy EdmondsonTwitter@AmyCEdmondsonYouTubeAmy EdmondsonGoogleAmy Edmondson Twitter Tweets by Amy Edmondson Posts: Amy EdmondsonPsychological Safety ** A shared belief that within your team it is … Continue reading Amy Edmondson Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management, Harvard Business School

Psychological Safety Is a Belief That One Will Not Be Punished for Speaking Up Amy Edmondson

Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes. Credit: Amy Edmondson Posts where this quotation is embedded Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations Conversational Leadership Framework ** A framework to help understand the concept Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe … Continue reading Psychological Safety Is a Belief That One Will Not Be Punished for Speaking Up Amy Edmondson

Creating Safe Spaces for Uncomfortable Conversations Valuing vulnerability, authenticity, and respectful dialogue

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   June 5, 2023, 07:20In my recent Knowledge Café, the Great Unheard, it occurred to me that throughout our everyday lives, we frequently consciously or unconsciously divert conversations from topics that make us feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. We avoid areas we are unprepared or unwilling to explore, perhaps due to personal insecurities, fears, or … Continue reading Creating Safe Spaces for Uncomfortable Conversations Valuing vulnerability, authenticity, and respectful dialogue

Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations

Anecdote Circles Brainstorming Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In challenging conversations, differing viewpoints can lead to tension and misunderstandings. A conversation covenant offers a structured approach to ensure respectful, constructive dialogue. By establishing agreed-upon guidelines, it helps create a safe environment for discussing even the most difficult topics. What is a conversation covenant? … Continue reading Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations

Introduction: Knowledge Café Principles Create a conversational environment

Knowledge Café Principle: Dialogue Not Debate Knowledge Café Principle: Conversation Is Sovereign Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People learn best through conversation, but too often, discussions are dominated by a few voices or driven by fixed agendas. When this happens, real dialogue—and the insights it brings—are lost. The Knowledge Café creates a space … Continue reading Introduction: Knowledge Café Principles Create a conversational environment

Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish

Knowledge Café Principle: Everyone Has an Equal Voice Knowledge Café Principle: No Preconceived Outcomes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Principle: Create a psychologically safe space.  To foster meaningful conversation in a Knowledge Café or any small group setting, it’s crucial to establish a safe space where all participants feel equal, comfortable, and free … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish

Don’t Discourage Dissent Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good things

Listen with the Intent to Understand Don’t Give Advice Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Don’t Discourage Dissent: Many view conflict as bad and try suppressing it, but disagreement is healthy. It is an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation, and we should encourage it. FUD – fear, uncertainty, and doubt. No, not the … Continue reading Don’t Discourage Dissent Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good things

Social Silencing A phenomenon where people don’t speak up for fear of social exclusion

Losing and Giving Face Psychological Safety ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter There are many reasons why people do not speak up. Social silencing is one of them. The spiral of silence or social silencing is a phenomenon where people who think they hold a minority opinion don’t speak up for fear of social … Continue reading Social Silencing A phenomenon where people don’t speak up for fear of social exclusion

Psychological Safety ** A shared belief that within your team it is safe to take risks

Social Silencing Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Create psychological safety: Ensure people are safe for interpersonal risk-taking.  Psychological safety refers to the sense of confidence and trust that individuals feel in a social setting, particularly in the workplace. It is the belief that one can speak up and … Continue reading Psychological Safety ** A shared belief that within your team it is safe to take risks

Knowledge Café: Small Group Conversations The small group conversations are the heart of the Café

Knowledge Café: Table Hosts Knowledge Café: Moving Between Groups Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In the Knowledge Café, the essence of the small group conversations is to get as close to a natural conversation as possible such as one in a coffee shop.  In a Café, no one is in control of the … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Small Group Conversations The small group conversations are the heart of the Café