Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. Credit: Steve Jobs Posts where this quotation is embedded Chatbots to Analyze Conversations and Presentations Analysis of transcripts Circles of Engagement ** Aligning efforts with impact Introduction: Knowledge Delusion We … Continue reading The Difference Between Management and Leadership Steve Jobs
Gurteen Knowledge Blog September 10, 2021, 21:03Prevailing wisdom says that we should speak with authority and conviction if we wish to convince or persuade someone. What if this way of talking inhibits learning? Knowledge Letter: Issue: 255 (Subscribe)Tags: conviction (2) | learning (36) | persuasion (11) | speaking (5) | wisdom (6)RSS: Blog FeedPhoto Credits: Midjourney (Public … Continue reading Should We Speak with Authority and Conviction? May be not
If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see. Credit: Henry David Thoreau Comment: This quote is widely attributed to Henry David Thoreau, though no direct source can be been found in his published works or … Continue reading Men Will Believe What They See. Let Them See Henry David Thoreau
In a conversation the participants are not engaged in an inquiry or a debate; there is no ‘truth’ to be discovered, no proposition to be proved, no conclusion sought. They are not concerned to inform, to persuade, or to refute one another, and therefore the cogency of their utterances does not depend upon their all … Continue reading In a Conversation the Participants Are Not Engaged in an Inquiry Michael Oakeshott
Gurteen Knowledge Blog March 30, 2024, 11:04Effective writing is crucial for driving change in today’s complex, information-overloaded world. However, conventional writing wisdom often fails to equip us to engage readers and make a real impact. Larry McEnerney, the retired director of the University of Chicago’s Writing Program, provides unconventional insights that offer a roadmap for crafting … Continue reading Rethinking Writing for a Complex World Larry McEnerney’s insights on good writing
If you do not know your readers, the particular people in a community, if you do not know these people, you are very unlikely to create value and you are very unlikely to be persuasive because persuasion depends on what they doubt. If you don’t know what they doubt, how on earth you’re gonna overcome … Continue reading Knowing Your Readers Larry McEnerney
If it’s clear and useless, it’s useless. It’s organized and useless, it’s useless. It’s persuasive and useless, it’s useless. That’s the way it is. Credit: Larry McEnerney Source: The Craft of Writing Effectively | Larry McEnerneyPosts: Larry McEnerneyCrafting Writing That Drives Change Larry McEnerney’s insights on good writingBooks: Larry McEnerneyChanging Your Readers’ Ideas Larry McEnerneyCrafting … Continue reading If It’s Clear and Useless – It’s Useless Larry McEnerney
Diplomacy ## Write to Think ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conventional writing wisdom is often misguided. Larry McEnerney, the retired director of the University of Chicago’s Writing Program, challenges outdated conceptions of good writing that can stifle bloggers and academic writers alike. His unconventional insights provide the key to engaging readers, making … Continue reading Crafting Writing That Drives Change Larry McEnerney’s insights on good writing
Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** Disagree Constructively Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Speak with less conviction: Persuading others is not easy. It is generally believed that we convince others by speaking with conviction. Is this effective? No, it isn’t. We shouldn’t talk with too much conviction if we want to persuade people. … Continue reading Speak with Less Conviction Speaking with conviction inhibits learning
Oracy What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Rhetoric is often construed as insincere or meaningless language that sounds clever. This is an unduly negative perspective. Rhetoric is a critical cognitive and communication skill. Introduction Simply put, the purpose of rhetoric is to influence people through speech … Continue reading Rhetoric To influence people through speech or writing