Ralph Stacey is an organizational theorist and Professor of Management at Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, in the UK. Complexity and Paradoxes | Ralph Stacey WikipediaRalph StaceyYouTubeRalph StaceyGoogleRalph StaceyPosts: Ralph StaceyComplex Responsive Processes Ongoing patterns of interaction between peopleConversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations are dynamic, emergent interactions shaping organizational realityWe Humans Are Complex … Continue reading Ralph Stacey Professor of Management
Patricia Shaw was formerly a professor at the Business School of the University of Hertfordshire, where she co-founded the Complexity and Management Centre in 1995 with Ralph Stacey and Doug Griffin. She was also formerly a Visiting Professor at the Copenhagen Business School. She is now a fellow at Schumacher College. YouTubePatricia ShawGooglePatricia ShawPosts: Patricia … Continue reading Patricia Shaw Fellow at Schumacher College
You will find the transcript of Patricia Shaw‘s talk below. Although she never uses the term, Patricia describes some of the key elements of Conversational Leadership. The highlighting is mine and draws attention to what I feel are the main points. Transcript I thought last night about how I am beginning myself to think about … Continue reading What Is the Work of Leadership? Patricia Shaw (2010)
One of the ways of thinking about leadership is thinking about convening conversations that might not happen otherwise. Credit: Patricia Shaw Comment: At its heart, Conversational Leadership is about facilitating the essential yet unlikely conversations—those that wouldn’t take place without someone making space for them.Posts where this quotation is embedded Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations … Continue reading Convening Conversations That Might Not Happen Otherwise Patricia Shaw
Gurteen Knowledge Blog July 19, 2024, 17:32We engage in numerous conversations daily, yet we seldom consider their complexity. In a recent blook post, I explore how conversations function as complex, responsive processes, drawing on the work of Ralph Stacey and Patricia Shaw. This post proposes an alternative definition of conversation, emphasizing its dynamic, unpredictable nature and … Continue reading The Hidden Complexity of Everyday Conversations Conversations are complex responsive processes
Complex Adaptive Systems ** Constraints in Complex Systems Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Organizations are dynamic entities shaped by the interactions and relationships of their members. Traditional systems thinking often fails to account for this complexity. Complex Responsive Processes offer an alternative approach, emphasizing local interactions, the emergence of patterns, and the importance … Continue reading Complex Responsive Processes Ongoing patterns of interaction between people
The book “Changing Conversations in Organizations” by Patricia Shaw explores a complexity-informed approach to organizational change that focuses on the self-organizing and emergent properties of conversation. Shaw suggests that real change happens through the ongoing, everyday conversations and interactions between people in organizations rather than through structured change programs or interventions designed and controlled by … Continue reading Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change by Patricia Shaw (2002)
Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Conversations Through the Cynefin Lens Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations are a familiar part of daily life, yet their complexity often goes unnoticed. Beneath the surface, they function as complex, responsive processes, where participants continuously react and adapt to each other. By recognizing the … Continue reading Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations are dynamic, emergent interactions shaping organizational reality