I Have No Special Talents. I Am Only Passionately Curious Albert Einstein

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. Credit: Albert Einstein Source: Letter to Carl Seelig (11 March 1952)Posts where this quotation is embedded Al Jazeera Cafe An interesting experiment not to deabate but engage in a global conversation Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another Benjamin Franklin’s Junto … Continue reading I Have No Special Talents. I Am Only Passionately Curious Albert Einstein

Passionate Opinions Bertrand Russell

The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holder’s lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately. Credit: Bertrand Russell Comment: Bertrand Russell observes that strongly held passionate opinions, especially regarding politicized or … Continue reading Passionate Opinions Bertrand Russell

What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other

Caring What Is Communityship? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A community is more than just a group of people with shared interests. Many networks and organizations call themselves communities, but they often lack the deeper connections that make a real community. True communities grow over time through meaningful relationships, shared purpose, and mutual … Continue reading What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other