Do You Know What Oracy Is? Oracy is the ability to speak persuasively

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   October 3, 2023, 11:50I attended a Henley Forum meeting last week where, among other things, we briefly discussed why Knowledge Management had not been more widely adopted. One of the issues raised was that KMers have perhaps not been effective at presenting the case for KM. During the discussion, I asked if anyone … Continue reading Do You Know What Oracy Is? Oracy is the ability to speak persuasively

Reviving Oral Exams The value of oral assessments in education

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   October 24, 2023, 07:52We’ve become so reliant on written exams and essays that we’ve forgotten the value of old-school oral assessments. This fascinating article, Bring Back the Lost Art of Oral Exams, reminds us that oral exams have a long, venerable history dating back millennia. Though they faded in popularity over time, oral … Continue reading Reviving Oral Exams The value of oral assessments in education

The Importance of Teaching Respectful Conversation A necessity for a healthy society

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   February 28, 2024, 19:38Watch this brief video, which is under 2 minutes long. It shows a young woman asking a question of Allen West (an American politician) in an aggressive manner. I wonder where she learned this confrontational style. She likely picked it up from observing professional interviewers and politicians exhibiting similar behavior. … Continue reading The Importance of Teaching Respectful Conversation A necessity for a healthy society

Our Spoken Language Enables Us to Think Together David Gurteen

Our spoken language allows us to do more than just share information — it enables us to think and reason together. Credit: David Gurteen Posts where this quotation is embedded Oracy The ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Communicating effectively in spoken language Rhetoric To influence people through … Continue reading Our Spoken Language Enables Us to Think Together David Gurteen

What Is Oracy? David Gurteen

Oracy is the ability to speak persuasively, articulate thoughts and ideas clearly, listen powerfully to others, clarify our own ideas and understanding, influence each other through conversation, and express our views with confidence and humility. Credit: David Gurteen Posts where this quotation is embedded Oracy The ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language Oracy Is … Continue reading What Is Oracy? David Gurteen

What Is Rhetoric? David Gurteen

Rhetoric is about far more than influencing people through speech. It is how we communicate effectively in our daily lives and, in addition to speech, can take the form of text, images, videos, or any other form of media. Credit: David Gurteen Posts where this quotation is embedded Oracy The ability to express oneself in and … Continue reading What Is Rhetoric? David Gurteen

What Is an Oracy Lab? David Gurteen

The Oracy Lab is an experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of spoken communication for conveying meaning and co-creating a deeper understanding of the complexity and dynamics of the world. Credit: David Gurteen Posts where this quotation is embedded Oracy The ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language Oracy Is a Core Conversational … Continue reading What Is an Oracy Lab? David Gurteen

The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership

Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Protected: My Writing Process ## Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations shape how we understand and adapt to change. When dialogue is restricted by rigid goals or constrained by fixed plans and schedules, creativity, and insight are often lost. By embracing a flexible, direction-focused approach and allowing … Continue reading The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership

The Power of Peer Instruction Why explaining ideas to others leads to deeper learning

Introduction: Conversational Learning The Power of Peer Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Traditional lectures often fail to engage students in real understanding. People need more than just information—they need to make sense of it through discussion. Peer Instruction helps by encouraging learners to explain ideas to each other, leading to deeper learning … Continue reading The Power of Peer Instruction Why explaining ideas to others leads to deeper learning

The Language of Conversation and Speech Meanings of words describing conversation and speech

What Is a Real Conversation? The Value of Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Numerous words or phrases describe the varied forms of conversation and speech. This page lists some of the more common ones in alphabetic order.  Posts that link to this post The Language of Conversation and Speech Digging into their … Continue reading The Language of Conversation and Speech Meanings of words describing conversation and speech

Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Communicating effectively in spoken language

Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills Conversational Self-awareness Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Without oracy skills, we would struggle to communicate our ideas and opinions, leading to challenges in personal and professional settings. This can include difficulty building relationships, advocating for ourselves, and contributing to group discussions. What is oracy? Simply put, oracy is the … Continue reading Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Communicating effectively in spoken language

Orality ** The practice of transmitting knowledge, culture, and traditions through spoken language

Why Face-to-face Interaction Matters ** Friends with Cognitive Benefits Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Before the widespread use of writing, oral communication was the primary method of sharing knowledge and culture in society. This oral tradition is called orality. Orality refers to the quality or characteristic of being oral or spoken rather than … Continue reading Orality ** The practice of transmitting knowledge, culture, and traditions through spoken language

Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information - so watch lectures at home

Dialogic Organization Development The Power of Team Huddles Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Flipped teaching reverses, or “flips”, traditional in-class lectures and homework. Students watch the teacher’s prerecorded lecture at home, and in-class time is used for students to test their skills, apply their knowledge, and interact through hands-on projects, discussions, and exercises. … Continue reading Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information – so watch lectures at home

The Oracy Lab An experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations

The Power of Team Huddles Ongoing Performance Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Oracy Lab is an experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations and spoken communication for conveying meaning and co-creating a deeper understanding of the complexity and dynamics of the world. Oracy is the ability to speak … Continue reading The Oracy Lab An experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations

Oracy The ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language

Become a Conversation Architect Rhetoric Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In education, considerable emphasis is placed on numeracy and literacy — understanding and working with numbers and reading and writing. But what about the capacity to listen and to speak? Why is so little importance attached to oracy? Is the ability to hold … Continue reading Oracy The ability to express oneself in and understand spoken language

Rhetoric To influence people through speech or writing

Oracy What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Rhetoric is often construed as insincere or meaningless language that sounds clever. This is an unduly negative perspective. Rhetoric is a critical cognitive and communication skill. Introduction Simply put, the purpose of rhetoric is to influence people through speech … Continue reading Rhetoric To influence people through speech or writing

What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Rhetoric is monologue, oracy is dialogue

Rhetoric Introduction: the Power of Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter On the face of it, rhetoric and oracy would seem the same, but although they have much in common, they have some significant differences. What is the difference between rhetoric and oracy? At first thought, the two ideas may seem the same … Continue reading What Is the Difference Between Rhetoric and Oracy? Rhetoric is monologue, oracy is dialogue