Passionate Opinions Bertrand Russell

The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holder’s lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately. Credit: Bertrand Russell Comment: Bertrand Russell observes that strongly held passionate opinions, especially regarding politicized or … Continue reading Passionate Opinions Bertrand Russell

Ideas as Toys Robert Greene

When it comes to the ideas and opinions you hold, see them as toys or building blocks that you are playing with. Some you will keep, others you will knock down, but your spirit remains flexible and playful. Credit: Robert Greene Comment: This quote encourages a flexible and open-minded approach to ideas and beliefs, likening … Continue reading Ideas as Toys Robert Greene

Say So, If You Don’t Have an Opinion It's perfectly OK to say ‘Sorry, I don’t know’

Converse in Good Faith Carpe Diem – Seize the Day Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter If we don’t have an opinion, we should say so: In our modern-day culture, it is almost illegal not to have an opinion on an issue, regardless of whether we know anything about it or not. Confident ignorant … Continue reading Say So, If You Don’t Have an Opinion It’s perfectly OK to say ‘Sorry, I don’t know’

Speak with Less Conviction Speaking with conviction inhibits learning

Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** Disagree Constructively Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Speak with less conviction: Persuading others is not easy. It is generally believed that we convince others by speaking with conviction. Is this effective? No, it isn’t. We shouldn’t talk with too much conviction if we want to persuade people. … Continue reading Speak with Less Conviction Speaking with conviction inhibits learning