My research examines the intuitive foundations of morality. I have found that moral reasoning is generally done post-hoc, to search for confirmation of our fast, automatic intuitive responses. I am therefore skeptical of the power of reasoning to bring us to the right conclusions, particularly when self-interest or reputational concerns are in play. I therefore … Continue reading Moral Reasoning Is Generally Done Post-hoc Jonathan Haidt
In this book, The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt shows how moral judgments arise not from reason but from gut feelings. He shows why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and he shows why each side is actually right about many of its central concerns. Credit: Amazon The Righteous Mind … Continue reading The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion Jonathan Haidt (2013)
Gurteen Knowledge Blog April 1, 2023, 11:12I am currently reading The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt. Jonathan is a social psychologist and author known for his research on moral psychology, political psychology, and the psychology of religion. It is an insightful and thought-provoking book in which Jonathan sheds light on why we hold different moral beliefs … Continue reading Anyone Who Values Truth Should Stop Worshiping Reason The Righteous Mind
There’s more to morality than harm and fairness. Credit: Jonathan Haidt Books: Jonathan HaidtAnyone Who Values Truth Should Stop Worshiping Reason Jonathan Haidt (2013)Intellectual Humility Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan HaidtMoral Reasoning Is Generally Done Post-hoc Jonathan HaidtThe Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure … Continue reading There’s More to Morality Than Harm and Fairness Jonathan Haidt (2012)
First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into American childhood and education: What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker; always trust your feelings; and life is a battle between good people and evil … Continue reading The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Jonathan Haidt, Greg Lukianoff (2018)
Anyone who values truth should stop worshiping reason. Credit: Jonathan Haidt Comment: Haidt challenges the idea that reason alone leads to truth. Too often, we use it to justify what we already believe. True wisdom comes from integrating reason with humility and a deeper awareness of our biases.Books: Jonathan HaidtAnyone Who Values Truth Should Stop … Continue reading Anyone Who Values Truth Should Stop Worshiping Reason Jonathan Haidt (2013)
Intellectual humility is the recognition that our reasoning is so flawed, so prone to bias, that we can rarely be certain that we are right. Credit: Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt Books: Greg Lukianoff, Jonathan HaidtIntellectual Humility Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan HaidtQuotations: Greg Lukianoff, Jonathan HaidtIntellectual Humility Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan HaidtTags: Greg Lukianoff (2) … Continue reading Intellectual Humility Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt