Peter Block, the Grand Inquisitor, and Leadership Leadership, freedom, and the burden of responsibility

Managers Are Employees Too ** The Fable of the Bees Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Leadership is often seen as providing guidance and security. However, authentic leadership may lie in confronting people with their own freedom, even when they resist it. Understanding this tension can help us rethink power, responsibility, and the choices … Continue reading Peter Block, the Grand Inquisitor, and Leadership Leadership, freedom, and the burden of responsibility

The Role of Human Agency Within Actor-network Theory Actor-network theory

Actor-network Theory (ANT) Retrospective Coherence in a Complex World Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Actor-network theory (ANT) expands our understanding of the factors and forces that shape outcomes in complex systems by recognizing the role of non-human entities. However, focusing exclusively on these elements can risk overlooking the distinct influence of human agency. … Continue reading The Role of Human Agency Within Actor-network Theory Actor-network theory