Henry Mintzberg Canadian academic and author on business and management

Henry Mintzberg, Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University in Canada, is an internationally renowned speaker and author on organization and management. On management, organizations and more | Henry Mintzberg WikipediaHenry MintzbergBlogHenry MintzbergRSS FeedHenry MintzbergTwitter@Mintzberg141YouTubeHenry MintzbergGoogleHenry Mintzberg Twitter Tweets by Henry Mintzberg RSS FeedPosts: Henry MintzbergReframing Questions Shifting perspective changes the conversationWhat Is Communityship? … Continue reading Henry Mintzberg Canadian academic and author on business and management

An Enterprise Is a Community of Human Beings, Not a Collection of Human Resources Henry Mintzberg

An enterprise is a community of human beings, not a collection of human resources. Credit: Henry Mintzberg Posts where this quotation is embedded The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management The Power of Peer Learning Why learning from each other leads to deeper understanding and better problem-solvingPeople: Henry MintzbergHenry Mintzberg … Continue reading An Enterprise Is a Community of Human Beings, Not a Collection of Human Resources Henry Mintzberg

Organizations as Communities Henry Mintzberg (2013)

Posts where this video is embedded The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management The Power of Peer Learning Why learning from each other leads to deeper understanding and better problem-solvingPeople: Henry MintzbergHenry Mintzberg Canadian academic and author on business and managementPosts: Henry MintzbergReframing Questions Shifting perspective changes the conversationWhat Is … Continue reading Organizations as Communities Henry Mintzberg (2013)

Do We Need a Second Reformation? The first led to the 30 years war in Europe

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   January 11, 2022, 17:28In a recent blog post, Consolidation for Reformation, Henry Mintzberg, described the need for a second Reformation. Here is a clip: What is known as the Reformation began with words on a door in Germany and ended with a realignment of power in Europe. In 1517, with widespread outrage over … Continue reading Do We Need a Second Reformation? The first led to the 30 years war in Europe

Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center by Henry Mintzberg (2015)

Enough of the imbalance that is causing the degradation of our environment, the demise of our democracies, and the denigration of ourselves. Enough of the pendulum politics of left and right and paralysis in the political center. We require an unprecedented form of radical renewal. In this book, Rebalancing Society,  Henry Mintzberg offers a new … Continue reading Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center by Henry Mintzberg (2015)

What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other

Caring What Is Communityship? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A community is more than just a group of people with shared interests. Many networks and organizations call themselves communities, but they often lack the deeper connections that make a real community. True communities grow over time through meaningful relationships, shared purpose, and mutual … Continue reading What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other

What Is Communityship? Where everyone in a community practices leadership

What Makes a Real Community? Politics Is Life Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In an article in the Harvard Business Review, Rebuilding Companies as Communities, Henry Mintzberg talks about a concept called communityship. So what is communityship?  Leadership Let’s start by talking about leadership – something with which we are familiar. Go Google … Continue reading What Is Communityship? Where everyone in a community practices leadership

The Power of Peer Learning Why learning from each other leads to deeper understanding and better problem-solving

The Power of Peer Instruction Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People learn best when they share ideas and experiences. Traditional learning often focuses too much on passive instruction, missing the value of conversation and reflection. Peer learning creates opportunities for discussion, helping people deepen their understanding, develop new … Continue reading The Power of Peer Learning Why learning from each other leads to deeper understanding and better problem-solving

Reframing Questions Shifting perspective changes the conversation

Culture Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Trust in Relationships and Society Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Simply reframing a question can shift perspectives and dramatically change the resulting conversation.  I recently drew up a list of powerful questions that I felt would be good for sparking big talk – deep, meaningful conversations. The … Continue reading Reframing Questions Shifting perspective changes the conversation