If Everyone Is Thinking Alike, Then Somebody Isn’t Thinking George S. Patton

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. Credit: George Patton Posts where this quotation is embedded Brainstorming A group discussion to produce a list of ideas or solutions to a problem. Conversation Is Not a Panacea for All Our Problems ** But it goes a long way Decision Making Café Using the Knowledge Café to make … Continue reading If Everyone Is Thinking Alike, Then Somebody Isn’t Thinking George S. Patton

Munk Debates and Dialogues Excellent debates and dialogues

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   October 2, 2022, 18:41I recently discovered Munk Debates and the Munk Debate website. They have some excellent debates, and I love their mission. Interestingly, they also have Munk Dialogues though I find them a little disappointing as they are not dialogues (conversations between equals) but soft interviews – in other words, the interviewer … Continue reading Munk Debates and Dialogues Excellent debates and dialogues

The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

Three Questions for Meaningful Conversations The Perils of Binary Bias ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Cognitive biases affect how we interpret and respond to conversation and reason together, potentially leading to flawed or irrational conclusions, but there are ways to mitigate their impact. Introduction Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts or tendencies that … Continue reading The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

Groupthink The desire for harmony in a group can result in irrational decisions

What Is the Optimum Group Size for a Conversation? Group Polarization Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Groupthink is a cognitive bias that occurs when group members prioritize harmony and conformity over critical thinking and independent decision-making, leading to poor decision-making and a lack of creativity. Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when the … Continue reading Groupthink The desire for harmony in a group can result in irrational decisions

Consensus ** The trouble with consenus

Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Resources Forbes: Consensus – Team Building’s Silent Killer Blog Post: The trouble with the consensus model Dave Snowden: On navigating conflict [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Close Pop-up all … Continue reading Consensus ** The trouble with consenus

Group Polarization The tendency for a group to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members

Groupthink Social Loafing Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Group polarization is the tendency for group discussions to result in a more extreme version of the group’s initial position due to a lack of consideration for alternative viewpoints and a tendency to advocate for one’s views. Group polarization is a phenomenon that occurs when … Continue reading Group Polarization The tendency for a group to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members

Conversation Is Not a Panacea for All Our Problems ** But it goes a long way

When Laughter Speaks Louder Become a Conversation Architect Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter I often get criticized when I talk about the power of conversation. People conclude that I think conversation will solve all our problems, and nothing else is needed. Or that I am ruling out debate or other forms of human … Continue reading Conversation Is Not a Panacea for All Our Problems ** But it goes a long way

Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Crowds within a crowd outperform 'wisdom of the crowd'

Psychological Safety ** Introduction: Small Group Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The wisdom of crowds is the concept that large groups of people are collectively smarter than individuals regarding problem-solving, decision-making, and predicting. However, the method can be improved with the wisdom of crowds of crowds. In the concept of the wisdom … Continue reading Wisdom of Crowds of Crowds Crowds within a crowd outperform ‘wisdom of the crowd’