Why the Generative AI Intelligence Argument Is Irrelevant Redefining intelligence in the age of GenAI

Artificial intelligence is evolving rapidly, reshaping our world. Some argue that AI isn’t truly intelligent because it lacks human-like consciousness and emotions. However, this narrow view overlooks AI’s unique strengths and potential to complement human intelligence, driving innovation and progress in tackling complex global challenges. Many argue that GenAI isn’t truly intelligent because it doesn’t … Continue reading Why the Generative AI Intelligence Argument Is Irrelevant Redefining intelligence in the age of GenAI

Embracing the Imperfections of Chatbots Cultivating critical thinking in the age of AI

Like us humans, chatbots are imperfect and prone to errors, biases, and lapses in logic. Rather than downplaying them because of these defects, we should approach chatbots as opportunities to engage in critical thinking. By questioning and verifying their outputs, we can strengthen our reasoning skills and gain new perspectives. Chatbot Errors: Flaws or features? … Continue reading Embracing the Imperfections of Chatbots Cultivating critical thinking in the age of AI

Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Exploring the parallels between Plato's Phaedrus and the challenges of GenAI

As AI increasingly shapes our world, we need to consider its effect on critical thinking. The Myth of Thamus and Theuth cautions against overreliance on technology for knowledge. Cultivating human understanding alongside AI allows us to benefit from it while preserving crucial reasoning skills. Socrates Concerns about the Invention of Writing In Plato’s Phaedrus, Socrates … Continue reading Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Exploring the parallels between Plato’s Phaedrus and the challenges of GenAI