The Future of Reasoning Michael Stevens

video player The Future of Reasoning | Michael Stevens Posts where this video is embedded Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason We did not evolve to reason individually but to reason socially The Extended Mind The power of distributed cognitionBooks: … Continue reading The Future of Reasoning Michael Stevens

Social Reasoning The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   May 7, 2021, 15:34I recently came across a fascinating theory concerning the evolution of human reason known as “The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason”. However, I prefer to use the term “theory of social reasoning” or simply “social reasoning”. The theory proposes that the primary function of reason is not to improve our … Continue reading Social Reasoning The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason

The Extended Mind: the Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul (2021)

Over many years of elementary school, high school, and even college and graduate school, we’re never explicitly taught to think outside the brain; we’re not shown how to employ our bodies and spaces and relationships in the service of intelligent thought. Yet this instruction is available if we know where to look; our teachers are … Continue reading The Extended Mind: the Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul (2021)

Speaker-listener Neural Coupling Underlies Successful Communication Greg J. Stephens, Lauren J. Silbert, and Uri Hasson (2010)

Communication involves both speaking and listening. Traditional research has studied these processes separately within individual brains. This study examines brain activity in speakers and listeners during natural conversation, revealing coupled neural responses that correlate with effective communication. Abstract Verbal communication is a joint activity; however, speech production and comprehension have primarily been analyzed as independent … Continue reading Speaker-listener Neural Coupling Underlies Successful Communication Greg J. Stephens, Lauren J. Silbert, and Uri Hasson (2010)

Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions

Mirror Neurons Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Interbrain synchrony occurs when neural activities align between people during social interactions. Understanding this phenomenon can improve communication, teamwork, and learning. Research in this field provides insights into effective social connections and may lead to advancements in education, … Continue reading Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions

The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason We did not evolve to reason individually but to reason socially

Knowledge and Information ** The Knowledge Delusion Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The argumentative theory of reasoning proposes that reason did not evolve to help us to reason individually but to reason together – in other words, socially. Reasoning is generally seen as the process of thinking about something to help us come … Continue reading The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason We did not evolve to reason individually but to reason socially

Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Everything else is information

Ways of Knowing From Knowledge to Agency Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is the difference between information and knowledge?  In everyday language, the words “knowledge and “information” are used loosely and interchangeably. Knowledge is frequently defined as something like this: Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and … Continue reading Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Everything else is information

The Extended Mind The power of distributed cognition

Knowledge Is Communal Opinion Polarization Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Knowledge and cognition extend beyond our brains, involving people and objects around us. This distributed cognition means our thinking and decision-making are influenced by external factors. Understanding this can improve how we approach problem-solving and collaboration. Not only is our knowledge distributed, but … Continue reading The Extended Mind The power of distributed cognition