Treating Governance Like Scientific Experimentation Steven Pinker

Reason tells us that political deliberation would be most fruitful if it treated governance more like scientific experimentation and less like an extreme-sports competition. Credit: Steven Pinker Comment: Embracing a scientific approach to governance encourages innovation and problem-solving, rather than reinforcing entrenched ideological battles.Source: Enlightenment Now (Page 366 Penguin paperback edition)Posts where this quotation is … Continue reading Treating Governance Like Scientific Experimentation Steven Pinker

Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes The power of safe-to-fail probes

The Vector Theory of Change Exploring Uncertainty – the Role of Catalytic and Safe-to-fail Probes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Navigating complex systems requires innovative problem-solving approaches. Traditional linear methods often prove ineffective in unpredictable environments. Safe-to-fail probes offer a valuable tool for gaining insights, building resilience, and driving sustainable change through small-scale … Continue reading Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes The power of safe-to-fail probes