He Had His Conversation in the World Conversari: to live, dwell, live with, keep company with

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   November 8, 2021, 07:49 A little while back, I came across an online etymology dictionary and was fascinated to learn the roots and the evolution of the word “conversation”. conversation (n.) mid-14c., “place where one lives or dwells,” also “general course of actions or habits, manner of conducting oneself in the world,” both … Continue reading He Had His Conversation in the World Conversari: to live, dwell, live with, keep company with

The Word “conversation” Has a Fascinating History Etymology of conversation

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   March 31, 2023, 10:16In a world where communication is an essential part of our lives, exploring the origins of words is fascinating. From the Latin “conversare” to the modern-day “conversation,” the history of the word “conversation” is a journey through the evolution of language and the cultural shifts that shaped it. In a … Continue reading The Word “conversation” Has a Fascinating History Etymology of conversation

Etymology of Conversation A history of the word "conversation"

Philosophy of Conversation The Origin of Language ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Words can reveal insights into the history and evolution of language. The word “conversation” has significantly changed its meaning and usage over time. What is the origin and history of “conversation”, and how has its meaning changed? Words can reveal … Continue reading Etymology of Conversation A history of the word “conversation”