Without Dialogue Megan Reitz

Without dialogue, we extinguish ideas, we cover up wrongdoing, the quality of our decision-making deteriorates and our engagement plummets. Credit: Megan Reitz Source: Megan Reitz website homepage 31 Oct 2019Posts where this quotation is embedded Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Exploring the parallels between Plato’s Phaedrus and the challenges of GenAI Bake Conversation Into All … Continue reading Without Dialogue Megan Reitz

True Eureka Innovation Is Only Going to Happen by Engagement in the Real World Dave Snowden

True Eureka innovation is not going to happen by an internal training programme but from engagement in the real world. Credit: Dave Snowden Posts where this quotation is embedded Artificial Intelligence and the Quest for Knowledge Exploring the parallels between Plato’s Phaedrus and the challenges of GenAI Bake Conversation Into All That We Do ** There are … Continue reading True Eureka Innovation Is Only Going to Happen by Engagement in the Real World Dave Snowden

We Must Stop Trying to Do Things to Each Other And encourage engagement and ownership

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   June 5, 2021, 09:02If we are to boost engagement and ownership, not buy-in, we must stop trying to do things to each other. So many of the problems we face in our organizations and society revolve around the fact that we are always trying to do things to each other – to change … Continue reading We Must Stop Trying to Do Things to Each Other And encourage engagement and ownership

How Leadership Begins Peter Block

Leadership begins with understanding that every gathering is an opportunity to deepen accountability and commitment through engagement. It doesn’t matter what the stated purpose of the gathering is. Each gathering serves two functions: to address its stated purpose, its business issues; and to be an occasion for each person to decide to become engaged as … Continue reading How Leadership Begins Peter Block

Encouraging a Leader in Every Chair Amy Edmondson

People sit in a circle, with the intention of de-emphasizing hierarchies and instead encouraging what’s called “a leader in every chair”. To create the mindfulness and focus conducive to an environment where everyone collaborates and contributes, meetings begin with a minute of silence. Credit: Amy Edmondson Comment: Leadership isn’t just about titles—it’s about presence, participation, and … Continue reading Encouraging a Leader in Every Chair Amy Edmondson

Circles of Engagement ** Aligning efforts with impact

Spirituality Signal-to-noise Ratio Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Life presents numerous challenges and opportunities. It is crucial to identify areas under our control versus those beyond our influence. The “Circles of Engagement” model guides us in directing efforts where they can create meaningful change. Circle of Concern and a Circle of Influence Stephen … Continue reading Circles of Engagement ** Aligning efforts with impact

Meetings and Conversations Serve Two Purposes There is a second purpose to any meeting which we often overlook

The Jazz of Conversations Why Face-to-face Interaction Matters ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Meetings or, more generally, conversations serve two purposes. The first is obvious, and that is to fulfill their aim. The second is less obvious and is usually neglected. It is to engage each other, improve relationships, and foster a sense … Continue reading Meetings and Conversations Serve Two Purposes There is a second purpose to any meeting which we often overlook

Engagement Café Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.

Reading Group Café Marketing Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An Engagement Café is a form of Knowledge Café designed to help people engage with an issue such as a new policy or procedure in the context of their organization. The problem Individuals and workgroups in organizations frequently write policy documents and … Continue reading Engagement Café Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.

Sales Café Ditch the pitch - create sales conversations

Marketing Café ** Future Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter One of the fundamental philosophies underpinning Conversational Leadership is the need to stop talking at people and to start to talk with them. We need to give fewer presentations and convene more conversations. This philosophy applies to sales situations, whether we are trying to … Continue reading Sales Café Ditch the pitch – create sales conversations

Knowledge Cafés at the European Patent Office The Personal Growth Community

The Huawei Break the Book Community Knowledge Café in Zurich, Switzerland Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter This story about a Personal Growth Community (PGC) was written by Jan Hellberg – a Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in the Hague. A PGC is an adaptation of the Knowledge Café process to encourage … Continue reading Knowledge Cafés at the European Patent Office The Personal Growth Community

Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Anyone can practice leadership

Gossip and Lashon Hara Ownership, Not Buy-in Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Effective leadership is vital for driving positive change in a complex world. However, many view leadership as a position of authority rather than a practice accessible to all. We can create a more engaged and sustainable society by recognizing that anyone … Continue reading Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Anyone can practice leadership

Ownership, Not Buy-in We need to move from buy-in to ownership

Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Shared Meaning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter One of the most significant mistakes we often commit when striving to initiate change is trying to enforce things upon others. We identify problems, create visions, manifestos, strategies, and plans to implement so-called solutions (there are no … Continue reading Ownership, Not Buy-in We need to move from buy-in to ownership

Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** We all need to take responsibility for the quality of our conversations

Turn Monologues Into Dialogues Speak with Less Conviction Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Take responsibility for the conversation: A few participants dominate many conversations, and as a result, there is no real engagement or energy in the discussion. How can this be resolved? The solution is for us all to take responsibility for … Continue reading Take Responsibility for the Conversation ** We all need to take responsibility for the quality of our conversations

Engagement ** Organizations live or die in the swarm of daily interchange

Motivation ** Punished by Rewards Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Organizations live or die in the swarm of daily interchange — in complimenting and criticizing, passing and retaining information, smiling and frowning, asking and answering, demanding and resisting, controlling and consenting. What injects meaning into one’s work is derived neither from the individual … Continue reading Engagement ** Organizations live or die in the swarm of daily interchange

Punished by Rewards Loving what you do is a more powerful motivator than any goody

Engagement ** The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter It is often suggested that offering rewards is necessary to motivate people, particularly when it comes to sharing their knowledge. However, this strategy is ultimately ineffective and potentially harmful in the long run. In his book Punished by Rewards, Alfie … Continue reading Punished by Rewards Loving what you do is a more powerful motivator than any goody

We Need to Stop Trying to Do Things to Each Other And start working together

The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability Introduction: Motivation and Engagement ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter To encourage engagement and ownership, we must stop trying to do things to each other. People often ask me, “How do you make people share?” or “How do you make people adopt social tools?” or, more generally, … Continue reading We Need to Stop Trying to Do Things to Each Other And start working together

Knowledge Café Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head

Knowledge Café History Knowledge Café Applications Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The outcomes of a Knowledge Café are not tangible outcomes such as decisions, plans, or consensus. The outcomes are what the participants take away in their heads.  In its unadapted form, the Knowledge Café is not about traditional tangible outcomes. It is … Continue reading Knowledge Café Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head