Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Cafés should be thoughtfully designed

Introduction: Knowledge Café Design ** Knowledge Café: Purpose Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Knowledge Café should be planned rather than left to chance. The best way to accomplish this is to review and act on the design questions below. Several questions should be considered when designing a Knowledge Café before running it. … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Cafés should be thoughtfully designed

Knowledge Café: Purpose Every Knowledge Café should have a clear purpose

Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Café: Roles Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Every Knowledge Café should be designed for a specific purpose or intent. It’s not just about having learning conversations, although this is one of the primary uses. You start with the business purpose and design a Café to fulfill that aim.  … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Purpose Every Knowledge Café should have a clear purpose