The Entangled Age Danny Hillis (2016)

We can no longer see ourselves as separate from the natural world or our technology, but as a part of them, integrated, codependent, and entangled. Credit: Danny Hillis Source: The Enlightenment is Dead, Long Live the Entanglement by Danny Hillis.Quotations: Danny HillisThe Entangled Age Danny Hillis (2016)Tags: Danny Hillis (2)Google Web Search Photo Credits: Pixabay (Pixabay)This … Continue reading The Entangled Age Danny Hillis (2016)

From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world

Enlightenment 2.0 The Anthropocene Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Understanding complexity in today’s world requires a new perspective. Traditional methods struggle with the deep interconnectedness of modern systems, leading to unpredictable outcomes. Embracing the concept of entanglement helps us navigate these complexities by recognizing the need for adaptive and integrated approaches. Dave Snowden … Continue reading From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world