Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet, they don’t just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, and engage in new trains of thought. Conversation doesn’t just reshuffle the cards: it creates new cards. Credit: Theodore Zeldin Posts where this quotation is embedded Adaptive … Continue reading When Minds Meet Theodore Zeldin
Gurteen Knowledge Blog January 28, 2021, 15:29I rather like this thought about ideas from Pablo Picasso. You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea. Credit: Pablo Picasso In other words, we don’t necessarily need a clear, crisp, sharp idea or vision. A hazy one, … Continue reading Are Vague Ideas Sometimes Better Than Firm Ones? Maybe vague ideas are at the heart of being creative
There seems to be a sort of fatality in my mind leading me to put at first my statement or proposition in a wrong or awkward form. Formerly I used to think about my sentences before writing them down; but for several years I have found that it saves time to scribble in a vile … Continue reading Scribbled Sentences Are Often Better Ones Than Those Written Deliberately Charles Darwin
If I can be profoundly interested in what you think and what you will think next and where you will go with your thinking, you will generate ideas and insights and ways forward that you wouldn’t do without this attention. Credit: Nancy Kline Posts where this quotation is embedded Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to … Continue reading Being Profoundly Interested in What You Think Nancy Kline
AustraliaAustriaBrazilCanadaChinaCzech RepublicEgyptFranceGermanyGlobalIndiaItalyJapanMexicoNetherlandsPolandSaudia ArabiaSingaporeSpainTurkeyUAEUnited KingdomUnited States As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission when you purchase a book via this site. Posts where this book is embedded Adaptive Funding for Innovation Diversifying investments to drive innovation Artificial and Natural Intelligence Exploring the essential difference between natural and artificial forms of intelligence Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: … Continue reading Science Order & Creativity by David Bohm, David Peat
The Birth of Uber The House of Wisdom Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In the early 2000s, Google introduced its 20% time policy that let workers spend one day a week on their own projects. This helped employees create new ideas while still doing their main jobs. Though it was hard to manage … Continue reading The Google 20% Free Time Policy Innovation Story: A catalyst for innovation
Tell the Truth Listen Empathically ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Listen to ignite thinking: We tend to think of listening as a passive act. This is a mistake. Listening is not passive. It’s a powerful act of creation. Twenty or more years ago, I came across this statement from Stephen Covey in … Continue reading Listen to Ignite Thinking Listening is not a passive act – it’s a powerful act of creation
Hawthorne Effect Myth Change ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Whenever I wish to write something creative or reflect on an issue or problem, I have always found that a Café is one of the best environments. … This paper examines how ambient noise, an important environmental variable, can affect creativity. Results from … Continue reading Is Noise Always Bad? ** Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition
The Science and Benefits of Walking ** Introduction: the Neuroscience of Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Recent research in neuroscience shows that doodling can help people stay focused, grasp new concepts, and retain information. Doodling, often dismissed as an idle or absentminded activity, is in fact a powerful tool that offers a … Continue reading The Surprising Benefits of Doodling Doodling can help you stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information