Conversation Covenant Podcast generated by NotebookLM

Close Pop-up All Episodes This is the source material used to create this podcast. Posts where this video is embedded Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations Conversational Leadership Framework ** A framework to help understand the concept Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish Rethinking … Continue reading Conversation Covenant Podcast generated by NotebookLM

Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations

Anecdote Circles Brainstorming Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In challenging conversations, differing viewpoints can lead to tension and misunderstandings. A conversation covenant offers a structured approach to ensure respectful, constructive dialogue. By establishing agreed-upon guidelines, it helps create a safe environment for discussing even the most difficult topics. What is a conversation covenant? … Continue reading Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations

Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish

Knowledge Café Principle: Everyone Has an Equal Voice Knowledge Café Principle: No Preconceived Outcomes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Principle: Create a psychologically safe space.  To foster meaningful conversation in a Knowledge Café or any small group setting, it’s crucial to establish a safe space where all participants feel equal, comfortable, and free … Continue reading Knowledge Café Principle: Create a Safe Space Where conversation can flourish