Cultivating a Healthy Organizational Culture That Naturally Evolves David Gurteen

Organizational culture emerges organically in organizations, which function as complex adaptive systems. It can’t be dictated by management, but it can be influenced by improving interactions among employees. By cultivating stronger connections between team members, organizations can create an environment where a healthy culture naturally evolves. Credit: David Gurteen People: David GurteenDavid Gurteen Keynote speaker, … Continue reading Cultivating a Healthy Organizational Culture That Naturally Evolves David Gurteen

There Are No Solutions Only Responses in Complex Adaptive Systems David Gurteen

In a complex or complex adaptive system, the notion of “problem-solving” is an illusion. Instead of definitive solutions, there is only an endless series of adaptive responses. Credit: David Gurteen People: David GurteenDavid Gurteen Keynote speaker, writer and conversational facilitatorBooks: David GurteenA Conversation Architect Designs Strategic Conversations David GurteenAPM Conference: Conversational Leadership David Gurteen (2016)Being … Continue reading There Are No Solutions Only Responses in Complex Adaptive Systems David Gurteen

Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation by Ralph Stacey (2001)

Ralph Stacey’s book, “Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation,” delves into the intricacies of organizational dynamics, focusing on the interplay between human behavior, decision-making, and knowledge generation within complex systems. Drawing from complexity theory, Stacey explores how organizations are not merely static structures but evolving, adaptive entities shaped by the actions and … Continue reading Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning and Knowledge Creation by Ralph Stacey (2001)

Introduction: Complexity The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent

Retrospective Coherence in a Complex World What Is a System? ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent. The problems and challenges we face are both complex and adaptive and thus more resilient in the face of traditional approaches and ways of working. Posts that link to … Continue reading Introduction: Complexity The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent

What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something

Introduction: Complexity Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Systems are integral to various aspects of life, from nature to technology. Understanding systems can be challenging due to their complexity and interdependence. By examining their components and relationships, we can gain insights and develop solutions for effectively managing … Continue reading What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something

Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity

Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated Complex Systems ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Distinguishing between complex systems and complex adaptive systems is essential. The challenge is that these terms are often used interchangeably. By understanding the key differences, we can better analyze and predict system behaviors in diverse domains. Introduction People … Continue reading Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity

Complex Systems ** Many parts interacting with each other in multiple ways

Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complex Adaptive Systems ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Complex Systems A complex system consists of many highly interconnected parts that dynamically interact with each other. The Internet and the global economy are good examples. Complex is not the same as complicated In everyday language, we … Continue reading Complex Systems ** Many parts interacting with each other in multiple ways

Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity

Complex Systems ** Complex Responsive Processes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Understanding Complex Adaptive Systems A complex adaptive system (CAS) is a type of system composed of numerous interconnected agents that interact with each other and their environment, leading to the emergence of complex behaviors and adaptations over time. These systems are characterized … Continue reading Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity

Complex Responsive Processes Ongoing patterns of interaction between people

Complex Adaptive Systems ** Constraints in Complex Systems Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Organizations are dynamic entities shaped by the interactions and relationships of their members. Traditional systems thinking often fails to account for this complexity. Complex Responsive Processes offer an alternative approach, emphasizing local interactions, the emergence of patterns, and the importance … Continue reading Complex Responsive Processes Ongoing patterns of interaction between people

The Role of Conversation in Health Care Interventions Enabling sensemaking and learning

Abstract Background Those attempting to implement changes in health care settings often find that intervention efforts do not progress as expected. Unexpected outcomes are often attributed to variation and/or error in implementation processes. We argue that some unanticipated variation in intervention outcomes arises because unexpected conversations emerge during intervention attempts. The purpose of this paper … Continue reading The Role of Conversation in Health Care Interventions Enabling sensemaking and learning

Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change by Patricia Shaw (2002)

The book “Changing Conversations in Organizations” by Patricia Shaw explores a complexity-informed approach to organizational change that focuses on the self-organizing and emergent properties of conversation. Shaw suggests that real change happens through the ongoing, everyday conversations and interactions between people in organizations rather than through structured change programs or interventions designed and controlled by … Continue reading Changing Conversations in Organizations: A Complexity Approach to Change by Patricia Shaw (2002)

The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions

Constraints in Complex Systems Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Cynefin framework helps you make better decisions by helping you understand your situation/context and use an appropriate decision-making method. The Cynefin framework is a conceptual framework created in 1999 by Dave Snowden to aid decision-making. … Continue reading The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions

Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Complexity

The Cynefin Framework Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Overview Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) are systems composed of many interacting components or agents that adapt or learn based on their interactions with each other and their environment. These systems exhibit emergent behavior, meaning that the … Continue reading Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Complexity

Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations are dynamic, emergent interactions shaping organizational reality

Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Conversations Through the Cynefin Lens Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations are a familiar part of daily life, yet their complexity often goes unnoticed. Beneath the surface, they function as complex, responsive processes, where participants continuously react and adapt to each other. By recognizing the … Continue reading Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations are dynamic, emergent interactions shaping organizational reality

There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses

Technical Challenges and Complex Adaptive Challenges Unintended Consequences Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Complex systems defy simplistic problem-solving. Rather than definitive solutions, we can only respond to the intricate web of interconnected elements. In a complex environment, there are no solutions, only an endless series of adaptive responses. Complex systems are characterized by … Continue reading There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses

Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory

Adaptive Leadership ** The Role of Human Agency Within Actor-network Theory Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Society is shaped by both human and non-human factors. Traditional thinking often overlooks the influence of non-human entities like technology and infrastructure in driving change. Actor-Network Theory offers a way to understand how these elements interact to … Continue reading Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory

Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world

Our World Is Hyperconnected We Humans Are Complex Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In our hyperconnected world, complexity has surged, leading to heightened volatility, uncertainty, and ambiguity. This increased complexity poses significant challenges in predicting outcomes, planning for the future, and understanding global events. We live in a hyperconnected world that has led … Continue reading Our World Is Complex It is a VUCA world