Introduction: Conversational Spaces Meeting places for conversations

Death Café The London Coffeehouses of the Enlightenment Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Terminology First, let’s consider the terminology. People have gathered in various settings for conversation and social interaction throughout history. These settings include coffeehouses, salons, clubs, and, even in ancient times, around campfires. There is a need for a generic term … Continue reading Introduction: Conversational Spaces Meeting places for conversations

British Gentlemen’s Clubs ** Of the 17th and 18th Centuries

The London Coffeehouses of the Enlightenment Salons Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter During the 17th and 18th centuries, Britain witnessed the rise of various gentlemen’s clubs, which served as hubs for intellectual discourse, socializing, and the exchange of ideas. These clubs played a significant role in shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of … Continue reading British Gentlemen’s Clubs ** Of the 17th and 18th Centuries

Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club - a conversational society in 1727

Viennese Coffeehouses ** Stammtisch Tables Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Benjamin Franklin recognized the value of conversation and the importance of cognitive diversity in convening innovative conversations when he founded the Junto Club almost 300 years ago. In 1727, at the age of 21, Benjamin Franklin, who went on to become one of … Continue reading Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club – a conversational society in 1727