Powerful Questions Evoke a Choice for Accountability and Commitment Peter Block

Powerful questions are those that, in the answering, evoke a choice for accountability and commitment. Credit: Peter Block Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Chatbots as Critical Thinking Partners Stimulating critical thinking is one of the most powerful application of chatbots Cicero’s Sermo ** Conversari Cognitive Surplus Untapping our human potential Death Café At a … Continue reading Powerful Questions Evoke a Choice for Accountability and Commitment Peter Block

In the Knowledge Age, Leadership Is a Choice Stephen R. Covey

In the industrial age, leadership was a position. In the knowledge age, leadership is a choice. Credit: Stephen R. Covey Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Chatbots as Critical Thinking Partners Stimulating critical thinking is one of the most powerful application of chatbots Cicero’s Sermo ** Conversari Cognitive Surplus Untapping our human potential Death Café … Continue reading In the Knowledge Age, Leadership Is a Choice Stephen R. Covey

Are Leaders Born or Made? Stephen R. Covey

Are leaders born or made? This is a false dichotomy – leaders are neither born nor made. Leaders choose to be leaders. Credit: Stephen R. Covey Comment: Conversational Leadership aligns with this idea: leadership isn’t inherited or imposed—it’s a conscious choice made through engagement and dialogue.Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Chatbots … Continue reading Are Leaders Born or Made? Stephen R. Covey

The Last of Human Freedoms Viktor Frankl

The last of human freedoms — the ability to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances. Credit: Viktor Frankl Posts where this quotation is embedded Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory Chatbots as Critical Thinking Partners Stimulating critical thinking is one of the most powerful application of chatbots Cicero’s Sermo ** Conversari Cognitive Surplus Untapping our human potential Death … Continue reading The Last of Human Freedoms Viktor Frankl

In the Space Between Stimulus and Response Lies Our Freedom to Choose Stephen Covey

In the space between stimulus (what happens) and how we respond, lies our freedom to choose. Ultimately, this power to choose is what defines us as human beings. We may have limited choices, but we can always choose. We can choose our thoughts, emotions, moods, our words, our actions; we can choose our values and … Continue reading In the Space Between Stimulus and Response Lies Our Freedom to Choose Stephen Covey

Take Responsibility There are several ways in which to take more responsibility for our lives

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   September 3, 2022, 16:22When I first started to think about Conversational Leadership, one of the foundational principles I wrote about was the need for us all to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world. But that was six years ago, and I have since read and reflected more … Continue reading Take Responsibility There are several ways in which to take more responsibility for our lives

From Knowledge to Agency Developing agency in a changing world - cultivating the capacity to act

Knowledge Only Exists in the Mind Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Agency is our ability to make intentional choices and act independently, shaping our lives and identities. The challenge is transitioning from acquiring knowledge to actively using it in the real world. We need to embrace the dynamic … Continue reading From Knowledge to Agency Developing agency in a changing world – cultivating the capacity to act

We All Have the Freedom to Choose If We Choose To The last of human freedoms

Politics Is Life Lashon Hara Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People often say, “I have no choice,” but that’s rarely true. Even in the most challenging situations, we can choose our attitude, response, and actions. These insights from Viktor Frankl, Stephen Covey, Peter Block, and Peter Koestenbaum remind us of the power and … Continue reading We All Have the Freedom to Choose If We Choose To The last of human freedoms