Why Is Conversation So Easy? Simon Garrod and Martin J. Pickering

Why is conversation so easy? Abstract Traditional accounts of language processing suggest that monologue – presenting and listening to speeches – should be more straightforward than dialogue – holding a conversation. This is clearly not the case. We argue that conversation is easy because of an interactive processing mechanism that leads to the alignment of … Continue reading Why Is Conversation So Easy? Simon Garrod and Martin J. Pickering

The Extended Mind: the Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul (2021)

Over many years of elementary school, high school, and even college and graduate school, we’re never explicitly taught to think outside the brain; we’re not shown how to employ our bodies and spaces and relationships in the service of intelligent thought. Yet this instruction is available if we know where to look; our teachers are … Continue reading The Extended Mind: the Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul (2021)

The Four Pillars of Cognition Embodiment, Embeddedness, Extension, and Enaction

Gurteen Knowledge Blog   April 28, 2023, 16:07Cognition is a complex process that involves not just our brain but also our physical body, environment, and actions. This is the idea behind 4E cognition, which encompasses the four factors that shape cognition: embodiment, embeddedness, extension, and enaction. We commonly think that our cognitive processes occur solely in our … Continue reading The Four Pillars of Cognition Embodiment, Embeddedness, Extension, and Enaction

The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind

Conversational Chemistry The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Human consciousness has long puzzled philosophers and scientists. The hard problem of consciousness grapples with explaining how subjective experiences arise from physical brain processes. Various approaches offer different perspectives, but a comprehensive solution remains elusive. The Meaning of the … Continue reading The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind

Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition

The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Mirror Neurons Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Cognition is a complex process that involves not just our brain but also our physical body, environment, and actions. This is the idea behind 4E cognition, which encompasses the four factors that shape cognition: embodiment, embeddedness, extension, and enaction. … Continue reading Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition

Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions

Mirror Neurons Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Interbrain synchrony occurs when neural activities align between people during social interactions. Understanding this phenomenon can improve communication, teamwork, and learning. Research in this field provides insights into effective social connections and may lead to advancements in education, … Continue reading Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions

The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason We did not evolve to reason individually but to reason socially

Knowledge and Information ** The Knowledge Delusion Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The argumentative theory of reasoning proposes that reason did not evolve to help us to reason individually but to reason together – in other words, socially. Reasoning is generally seen as the process of thinking about something to help us come … Continue reading The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason We did not evolve to reason individually but to reason socially

We Humans Are Complex Human socio-technical systems are complex

Our World Is Complex Our Old Ways of Thinking and Working Are Failing Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Humans are extraordinarily complex, shaped by billions of years of evolution. Understanding human systems is challenging because they differ from natural or technical systems. Thinkers like Ralph Stacey and Dave Snowden have developed ways to … Continue reading We Humans Are Complex Human socio-technical systems are complex