The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

Three Questions for Meaningful Conversations The Perils of Binary Bias ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Cognitive biases affect how we interpret and respond to conversation and reason together, potentially leading to flawed or irrational conclusions, but there are ways to mitigate their impact. Introduction Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts or tendencies that … Continue reading The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation Cognitive biases can lead to flawed or irrational conclusions in a conversation

The Perils of Binary Bias ** Simplifying complex issues into two extreme and opposing categories

The Impact of Cognitive Biases in Conversation We Are Not Enemies but Friends—mostly Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Introduction In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the concept of binary bias, also known as binary thinking or black-and-white thinking, has gained significant relevance and importance. This cognitive bias reflects our innate tendency to … Continue reading The Perils of Binary Bias ** Simplifying complex issues into two extreme and opposing categories

Opinion Polarization We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides

The Extended Mind Rethinking Our Beliefs Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Polarization of opinions is becoming more prevalent in today’s society and is creating both unrest at the societal level as well as conflict within small groups with different views. We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides. We fail to … Continue reading Opinion Polarization We are polarized across political, religious, moral, and racial divides

How Beliefs Shape Reasoning How political views influence the way we interpret data

Our Tribal Nature Science Curiosity Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Political beliefs shape more than opinions—they can distort how we interpret facts. Research shows that even those skilled in numerical reasoning are not immune to this bias. Recognizing how ideology influences thinking is the first step toward making more objective, evidence-based decisions. The … Continue reading How Beliefs Shape Reasoning How political views influence the way we interpret data