Advice is what you get when the person you’re talking with about something horrible and complicated wishes you would just shut up and go away. Advice is what you get when the person you are talking to wants to revel in the superiority of his or her own intelligence. If you weren’t so stupid, after … Continue reading Advice Is What You Get When You Are So Stupid Jordan B Peterson
Advice is unfriendly to learning, especially when it is sought. Most of the time when people seek advice, they just want to be heard. Advice at best stops the conversation, definitely inhibits learning, and at worst claims dominance. Credit: Peter Block Posts where this quotation is embedded Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto … Continue reading Don’t Give Advice Peter Block
It is a misuse of our power to take responsibility for solving problems that belong to others. Credit: Peter Block Posts where this quotation is embedded Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club – a conversational society in 1727 Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a Conversational … Continue reading Misuse of Our Power Peter Block
Never help: (all fixing people is a form of colonialism). Credit: Peter Block Comment: Some context for this quotation: Don’t Give AdvicePosts where this quotation is embedded Benjamin Franklin’s Junto Club Benjamin Franklin founded the Junto Club – a conversational society in 1727 Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a … Continue reading Never Help: Fixing People Is a Form of Colonialism Peter Block
Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Relationships ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Colonialism has historically referred to the domination and control of one group or nation over another. However, the language of colonialism has recently been used to describe other forms of control and dominance. Introduction The term “colonialism” and related words, such … Continue reading Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another
Don’t Discourage Dissent Banter with Care Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Don’t give advice: At first thought, the idea that providing personal advice is a bad thing, especially when sought, seems rather strange. It may seem reasonable not to offer advice when it is not requested. But when it is sought? If people … Continue reading Don’t Give Advice Especially when it is sought