Comment: Larry argues that, unlike the common belief that thinking and writing are separate processes, experts often use writing as a means to think through complex ideas. He contrasts this with the approach taught in high school, where students are often instructed to complete their thinking before beginning to write. He suggests that the complexity of the ideas experts engage with necessitates the use of writing as a thinking tool.Unlike a journalist, almost surely you are using your writing process to help yourself think.
In other words, the thinking that you’re doing is at such a level of complexity that you have to use writing to help yourself do your thinking.
Credit: Larry McEnerney
Source: The Craft of Writing Effectively | Larry McEnerney
Posts: Larry McEnerney
Quotations: Larry McEnerney
- Changing Your Readers’ Ideas Larry McEnerney
- If It’s Clear and Useless – It’s Useless Larry McEnerney
- Knowing Your Readers Larry McEnerney
- The Function of an Academic Piece of Writing Larry McEnerney
- The Function of Your Writing Is to Move a Conversation Forward Larry McEnerney
- You Have to Use Writing to Help Yourself Do Your Thinking Larry McEnerney
Blog Posts: Larry McEnerney
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Conversational Leadership Café: How Can Chatbots Aid Critical Thinking?
Friday 29th January 2025, 16:00 - 18:00 GMT (London time)
This Café will explore how to effectively leverage chatbots to develop the critical thinking skills essential for addressing compplex business and societal issues.
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Friday 29th January 2025, 16:00 - 18:00 GMT (London time)
This Café will explore how to effectively leverage chatbots to develop the critical thinking skills essential for addressing compplex business and societal issues.
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