Posts where this quotation is embeddedUnintended consequences get to the heart of why you never really understand an adaptive problem until you have solved it.
Problems morph and “solutions” often point to deeper problems.
In social life, as in nature, we are walking on a trampoline.
Every inroad reconfigures the environment we tread on.
Credit: The Power of Positive Deviance
- There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses
- Unintended Consequences In a complex system, every purposeful action produces unintended consequences
Quotations: Richard Pascale, Jerry Sternin, Monique Sternin
Tags: complexity (92) | Jerry Sternin (2) | Monique Sternin (2) | positive deviance (5) | Richard Pascale (2) | unintended consequences (13)
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