Comment: Larry links the concept of changing people's minds with the idea of moving the conversation forward. He argues that the purpose of an academic piece is to influence and shape the ideas of the existing community, thereby contributing to the ongoing dialogue. While communicating our own ideas can be a part of this process, the ultimate goal is to engage with and impact the broader communal discourse.The function of an academic piece is not to communicate your ideas, it’s to change the ideas of an existing community.
Now, sometimes you do that by communicating your ideas, sometimes you don’t.
But understand what it’s for and understand that your training has been all about revealing your head.
Credit: Larry McEnerney
Source: The Craft of Writing Effectively | Larry McEnerney
Posts: Larry McEnerney
Quotations: Larry McEnerney
- Changing Your Readers’ Ideas Larry McEnerney
- If It’s Clear and Useless – It’s Useless Larry McEnerney
- Knowing Your Readers Larry McEnerney
- The Function of an Academic Piece of Writing Larry McEnerney
- The Function of Your Writing Is to Move a Conversation Forward Larry McEnerney
- You Have to Use Writing to Help Yourself Do Your Thinking Larry McEnerney
Blog Posts: Larry McEnerney
Tags: change (23) | ideas (21) | Larry McEnerney (9)
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