Posts where this quotation is embeddedTags: debate (23) | democracy (36) | dialogue (67) | global society (21) | groupthink (9) | honesty (6) | open-mindedness (9) | polarization (13) | tribes (10)Our society is dangerously polarised.
We don’t listen to each other.
Too many of us are separating into ideological tribes.
This has to stop.
The future of our democracy depends on it.
This is what the Munk Debates is all about.
Opening minds to different points of view.
Challenging groupthink.
Debating controversial issues with rigour and honesty.
Credit: Munk Debates
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This quotation is part of a blook on Conversational Leadership. It is one of many quotations that have influenced my thinking on the subject. Parts of this blook have restricted access. You may browse the pages open to you, but you will need to register and be approved before you can login and access the full site. When you register, you may also sign-up to receive a quotation of the day by email.
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