Source: The Different DrumWe know the rules of community; we know the healing effect of community in terms of individual lives.
If we could somehow find a way across the bridge of our knowledge, would not these same rules have a healing effect upon our world?
We human beings have often been referred to as social animals. But we are not yet community creatures.
We are impelled to relate with each other for our survival.
But we do not yet relate with the inclusivity, realism, self-awareness, vulnerability, commitment, openness, freedom, equality, and love of genuine community.
It is clearly no longer enough to be simply social animals, babbling together at cocktail parties and brawling with each other in business and over boundaries.
It is our task – our essential, central, crucial task – to transform ourselves from mere social creatures into community creatures.
It is the only way that human evolution will be able to proceed.
Credit: Scottt Peck
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Yes, community creatures give us a feeling of bonding together. However, just socialising can feel there is still a distance between us.
I agree Paul, creating community is far more than just socializing.
best wishes David