Source: Community-ship is the answer. Business Education Supplement, Financial Times 23rd October 2006Isn’t it time to think of our organisations as communities of cooperation, and in so doing put leadership in its place: not gone, but alongside other important social processes.
What should be gone is this magic bullet of the individual as the solution to the world’s problems.
We are the solution to the world’s problems, you and me, all of us, working in concert.
This obsession with leadership is the cause of many of the world’s problems.
And with this, let us get rid of the cult of leadership, striking at least one blow at our increasing obsession with individuality.
Not to create a new cult around distributed leadership, but to recognize that the very use of the word leadership tilts thinking toward the individual and away from the community.
We don’t only need better leadership, we also need less leadership.
Credit: Henry Mintzberg
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