Source: Walden (Chapter 18)Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.
Every man is the lord of a realm beside which the earthly empire of the Czar is but a petty state, a hummock left by the ice.
Yet some can be patriotic who have no self-respect, and sacrifice the greater to the less.
They love the soil which makes their graves, but have no sympathy with the spirit which may still animate their clay.
Credit: Henry David Thoreau
Tags: Henry David Thoreau (8) | mind (35) | open-mindedness (9)
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This quotation is part of a blook on Conversational Leadership. It is one of many quotations that have influenced my thinking on the subject. Parts of this blook have restricted access. You may browse the pages open to you, but you will need to register and be approved before you can login and access the full site. When you register, you may also sign-up to receive a quotation of the day by email.
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Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
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Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
Learn how to design & run a Gurteen Knowledge Café, both face-to-face and online.
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