Many of the photos and videos in this blook are from past Knowledge Cafés or Knowledge Café masterclasses that I have run.
Many of the photographs I have taken myself. Others are by my daughter Sally Gurteen who has a penchant for photographing real physical Cafés.
And the rest have either been taken by other photographers at my events or are Web images with a license for re-use.
Slowly I am adding photo credits to all of my pages. They appear at the bottom of each page. The credits are in the order the photos or images appear on the page.
For example:
Photo Credits: Sally Gurteen (Attribution), David Gurteen (Attribution)

Google Web Search
This page is part of a blook on Conversational Leadership. Parts of this book have restricted access. You can learn more about the book and how to obtain full access on the home page.
Gurteen Knowledge Letter
The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a free monthly newsletter with over 20,000 subscribers that I have been publishing by email for over 20 years.
Learn more about the newsletter and register here.
The Gurteen Knowledge Letter is a free monthly newsletter with over 20,000 subscribers that I have been publishing by email for over 20 years.
Learn more about the newsletter and register here.
Like the photos: one small quibble (ooops another one!) the section on audience talks of diversity and lists various groups, but unfortunately the audience in the picture while non-white, a strong positive, is almost entirely male and a certain age…..
Ah interesting. Indonesian/Muslim culture. The men and women tend to sit separately. Not always but often. Out of camera shot there are quite a number of women :-)
One of things I intend to do over time is better match the photos with the content of the post. So this is a reminder to me.