The 21st century learning requires huge transformation and shift in local educational delivery system and practice to cater expectations of the nations. It seems to be relevant to solve problem like soft skills of the students in which it was highlighted by the Malaysian Ministry of Education in 2015. In general, many employers claim that fresh graduates do not master the skills of critical thinking, communication and language skills.
Hence, a major reform in education landscape is required to equip the students with necessary skills to meet the demand of the labour market. This study aims to integrate the Knowledge Café practice from business sector into the education system. A Knowledge Café is an act of bringing together a group of people who share common interests, sit together to talk and listen to each other about related issues which consequently increase their tacit knowledge.
The implementation of Knowledge Café in higher learning institutions is found to be useful based on its components that almost cover the 10th characteristics of the 21st century learning. The main focus of this study is to identify the effectiveness of Knowledge Café technique to be used as a new approach in teaching and learning at higher learning institutions.
It is in line with the effort of the Ministry of Education towards higher learning education in Malaysia to achieve the aspirations of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025.””
For this purpose, quantitative research approach was used to measure the effectiveness of the Knowledge Café technique in teaching and learning applied by the lecturers in class, as well as to support and enhance students’ soft skills as required by prospective employers and to fill the gap. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents who participate in the knowledge café session, and the data gathered were analysed using SPSS software.
Noryana Ahmad Khusaini, Mohd Shamsul Daud, Seri Intan Idayu Shahrul Asari, Nordibradini Selamat
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