One of the ideas behind this blook is that as I write it, a small group of interested people can comment and give me feedback as it develops.
I’d appreciate any feedback that you might have. Please leave it as replies to the individual posts on which you wish to comment or if you prefer you can mail me at
I will do my best to respond to all feedback but as this site is primarily an on-line book I will incorporate the feedback into my text and delete the comments or discussion once complete or no longer relevant.
Items in red and square parenthesis e.g. [notes] are notes on the status of posts or ideas for future expansion.
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Friday 29th January 2025, 16:00 - 18:00 GMT (London time)
This Café will explore how to effectively leverage chatbots to develop the critical thinking skills essential for addressing compplex business and societal issues.
Information and Registration
Who will be the first to give me some feedback?
David, before I feed back, I can’t find the topic you wrote about in your newsletter. Can you guide me please to where you talk about conversations in cafés that are hampered by the use of butcher paper? Thanks, Peter
Here you go Peter
thanks David
I do find the single large sheets limit the idea generation to a linear process, even when mind-mapping. I have made effective use of small colour-coded (depending on the conversation) squares of paper. Everyone in the conversation has a marker and takes charge of their own ideas. As the ideas are generated they are rearranged according to the patterns that the group perceives. I have even used this technique to get 13 and 14-year olds to map their conversations on a conversation wall. They are free to create their own code for the different devices (coloured paper, shapes, sketches, string etc.). They also add their initials to their comments so that they can own their contributions to the conversation.
Hi Andre,
Thanks for the feedback. I am not against the use of butcher paper and pens or flip charts in workshops – they are useful as you explain above. It is in the context of a Knowledge Café that I see a problem with them :-)
best wishes David
I am new here and engrossed, completely intrigued by your approach. Is there someplace that describes how you used WordPress to build this blook? I find the format more useful than what I have now.
Hi Dwayne, I initally started by making a few changes to the Resonar theme but over time I have added many plugins and given I have a programmimg backgrond written a huge amount of code to acheive what the site looks like today. So sorry, would take a massive effort to fully document all the changes. best wishes David