If we don’t have an opinion, we should say so: In our modern-day culture, it is almost illegal not to have an opinion on an issue, regardless of whether we know anything about it or not.
Confident ignorant people argue with equally convinced ignorant people. We all do it.
In the UK, for example, how much does anyone of us really know about the impact of a complex issue such as Brexit? We all have firmly held opinions on the subject, however.
We delude ourselves about how much we know.
Calling someone ignorant isn’t necessarily an insult. Ignorance is simply a lack of understanding. If we are ignorant of a subject, we have little, if any, information or knowledge about it.
We are ignorant about all sorts of things, but that does not make us stupid; we are just ignorant. This is a crucial distinction.
Did you know that it’s actually possible for you to say
“I don’t know enough about this to have an opinion".
It is OK to say, “I am sorry, I don’t know enough to have an opinion on that.”
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Photo Credits: Sally Gurteen ()
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