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A conversation is a verbal exchange of ideas, thoughts, and feelings between two or more people. It involves listening and speaking and can be face-to-face or through a communication device such as a phone or computer, but it must be verbal.
Tag: conversation (187)
Debate is a formal discussion or argument in which opposing views are presented and discussed in an effort to reach a conclusion or resolution. It can be a verbal or written exchange of ideas and often involves the presentation of evidence and logical reasoning to support one’s position. Debate can be used to explore a variety of topics and can be a valuable tool for learning and critical thinking.
Tag: debate (23)
Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.
Tag: discourse (13)
Gossip is informal talk or rumors about others that can be both positive (praise) and negative (criticism). It can create social bonds and provide entertainment but also spread false information and harm reputations.
Tag: gossip (5)
Social interaction is the exchange of information and communication between individuals involving shared activities and behaviors in a given social context.
Tag: social interaction (8)
A narrative has two meanings. It is 1) a story or account of a series of events, or 2) a representation of a particular situation or process that conforms to or promotes an overarching set of aims, values, or perspectives.
Tag: narrative (16)
Oracy is the ability to speak persuasively, articulate thoughts and ideas clearly, listen powerfully to others, clarify our own ideas and understanding, influence each other through conversation, and express our views with confidence and humility.
Tag: oracy (21)
Orality is the practice of transmitting knowledge, culture, and traditions through spoken language and oral traditions rather than written texts.
Tag: orality (4)
Rhetoric is a skill that involves communicating and persuading effectively through language. It encompasses various techniques for using language persuasively, such as persuasive appeals and figurative language.
Tag: rhetoric (11)
Storytelling is the art of conveying information or emotions through a structured narrative, engaging an audience’s imagination and empathy.
Tag: storytelling (16)
Tags: argument (34) | Bohm Dialogue (4) | communication (5) | conversation (187) | debate (23) | dialectic (3) | dialogue (67) | diatribe (1) | discourse (13) | gossip (5) | language (19) | lecture (11) | narrative (16) | oracy (21) | oration (1) | rhetoric (11) | social interaction (8) | Socratic Dialogue (5) | Socratic method (14) | speech (6) | storytelling (16)
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Photo Credits: John Hain (Pixabay)
Numerous words or phrases describe the varied forms of conversation and speech. This page lists some of the more common ones in alphabetic order.
Definition: conversation
Tag: conversation (187)
Definition: debate
Tag: debate (23)
Definition: discourse
Tag: discourse (13)
Definition: gossip
Tag: gossip (5)
Definition: social interaction
Tag: social interaction (8)
Definition: narrative
Tag: narrative (16)
Definition: oracy
Tag: oracy (21)
Definition: orality
Tag: orality (4)
Definition: rhetoric
Tag: rhetoric (11)
Definition: storytelling
Tag: storytelling (16)
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Tags: argument (34) | Bohm Dialogue (4) | communication (5) | conversation (187) | debate (23) | dialectic (3) | dialogue (67) | diatribe (1) | discourse (13) | gossip (5) | language (19) | lecture (11) | narrative (16) | oracy (21) | oration (1) | rhetoric (11) | social interaction (8) | Socratic Dialogue (5) | Socratic method (14) | speech (6) | storytelling (16)
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Photo Credits: John Hain (Pixabay)
This page is part of a blook on Conversational Leadership. Parts of this book have restricted access. You can learn more about the book and how to obtain full access on the home page.
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