The Knowledge Café can be a powerful way to bring people together from different organizations, even competitors, to discuss their shared interests and concerns, such as in this story.
I ran a Knowledge Café in 2012 for 20 CEOs and senior executives from leading telecommunications companies in Kuwait, including Zain, Wataniya Telecom, Gulf net, Fast-telco, Zajil Telecom, Mada Communications, Samsung Dealership, Hayat Communications, Future Communications Company, Quality Net, UPS, KNET, and Kuwait Concierge.
The topic of the Café was “What are the future possibilities for the Kuwaiti Mobile Telecoms Industry?”
There were some interesting conversations, but one big issue surfaced. It seems that Kuwait did not have a Telecoms regulator, which caused many problems for the Telcos from unscrupulous providers.
During the Café conversations, the participants decided that they would like a regulatory body that would provide them with a legislative framework in which they could more efficiently operate and that they should form a Telecoms Union to lobby the Government on their behalf to create such a body.
I particularly like this story as it is about competitors coming together to figure out how they might better collaborate for the good of their industry.
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Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
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