You should choose the venue for a Knowledge Café with care.
Often, you do not have a choice of venue, but if you do, the following should be considered.
If the Café is organizational, can you run it off-site away from one of the standard meeting rooms, or if on-site, maybe in the staff cafeteria?
Possible interesting venues are a boat, a café, a restaurant, a bar, or even a reception area.
I once ran a Knowledge Cafe at a University in Barcelona. When I entered the room I observed that the chairs and tables were in nice neat lecture style rows and bolted to the floor.
I thought I had a problem until someone pointed out that there were a large number of Cafés across the road from the University.
So we upped-camp and moved across the road. One of the proprietors was more than happy to let us have an upstairs room and we had the added bonus of a good coffee and a selection of other refreshments.
— David Gurteen

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