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In this chapter, I look at a number of stories of how the Knowledge Café and other Conversational Methods have been used or adapted by various organizations.
- A Conversation Dinner in Turin Knowledge menu à la carte
- A Knowledge Café at Viva What are the future possibilities for the Kuwaiti Mobile Telecoms Industry?
- A Knowledge Café in English, French and Russian Knowledge Cafe's can be run in multiple languages
- Al Jazeera Cafe An interesting experiment not to deabate but engage in a global conversation
- Blog Posts About the Gurteen Knowledge Café A selection of Knowledge Café blog posts, articles and papers
- Changing Minds Through Conversation The role of conversation in Derek Black’s transformation
- Conversation in Hong Kong A Knowledge Café with eight speakers
- Equinor Management Training Cafés You learn when you converse
- Ericsson Story **
- Groucho Club Sales Café Ditch the pitch
- Gurteen Knowledge Café: Entrenched and Entrained Thinking A blog post by Conrad Taylor
- Hong Kong MTR Coffee Evenings and Liaison Trains An improvement over traditional customer surveys
- Huawei Transforms a Global Conference with a Knowledge Market How to make a conference more participatory
- IBM SE Asia Sales Cafés Ditch the pitch
- Intimate Conversations Conversations with strangers
- Jakarta Dutch Cultural Centre 2007 **
- Knowledge Café at Regent’s University February 2024 What Are the Strongest Motives for Creative Endeavour in Your Life?
- Knowledge Café in Zurich, Switzerland The Knowledge Café has empowered our staff to speak up and take the initiative
- Knowledge Cafés at Equinor **
- Knowledge Cafés at ING Bank, Netherlands Connect, connect, connect
- Knowledge Cafés at Johnson & Johnson Running four Knowledge Cafés concurrently
- Knowledge Cafés at NASA Identifying risk issues, and meaningful mitigation approaches
- Knowledge Cafés at National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Turning traditional talks into Cafés
- Knowledge Cafés at PSMA Australia Using the Knowledge Café process to run a Knowledge Management Forum
- Knowledge Cafés at the European Patent Office The Personal Growth Community
- Knowledge Cafés at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Give people a voice
- Mandela Chose to Talk How conversation, not force, helped unite a divided South Africa
- Passion at the Gurteen Knowledge Café Blog post by Mathew Rees
- Randomised Coffee Trials at Red Cross Red Crescent Virtual coffee meetings across the globe
- Sugar Rush at the Knowledge Café How conversation is bringing KM back to the people
- The Huawei Break the Book Community A powerful example of peer learning
- The Power of Talking with Enemies Özlem Cekic’s story of transforming hostility through conversation
- The Virtual Random Café Informal conversations and networking ... from home
Posts that link to this post
- Knowledge Café Applications The Knowledge Café is a highly adaptable tool
- Knowledge Café: Getting Started Make an impact
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