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Tags: complex adaptive system (18) | complex problems (5) | complex system (14) | complexity (92) | unintended consequences (13)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)
The world is fast-changing and increasingly more turbulent.
The problems and challenges we face are both complex and adaptive and thus more resilient in the face of traditional approaches and ways of working.
- What Is a System? ** An interconnected set of elements organized in a way that achieves something
- Complex Is Not the Same as Complicated We tend to use "complex" to describe things that are actually just complicated or challenging.
- Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity
- Complex Systems ** Many parts interacting with each other in multiple ways
- Complex Adaptive Systems ** Complexity
- Complex Responsive Processes Ongoing patterns of interaction between people
- Constraints in Complex Systems Complexity
- The Cynefin Framework A conceptual framework to help make decisions
- Complex Adaptive Systems Vs. Complex Responsive Processes ** Complexity
- Conversations Are Complex Responsive Processes Conversations are dynamic, emergent interactions shaping organizational reality
- Conversations Through the Cynefin Lens Unraveling the intricacies of everyday conversations
- Dispositional States ** Complexity
- Emergence in Complex Systems ** Complexity
- The Vector Theory of Change Navigating change in a complex world
- Navigating Complexity with Safe-to-fail Probes The power of safe-to-fail probes
- Exploring Uncertainty – the Role of Catalytic and Safe-to-fail Probes Essential Tools for Understanding and Influencing Complex Systems
- Technical Challenges and Complex Adaptive Challenges Distinguishing between straightforward and complex challenges
- There Are No Solutions to Complex Challenges Only an endless series of adaptive responses
- Unintended Consequences In a complex system, every purposeful action produces unintended consequences
- Obliquity in a Complex World In a complex world, goals are often best achieved indirectly
- Adaptive Leadership ** Mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive
- Actor-network Theory (ANT) Actor-Network Theory
- The Role of Human Agency Within Actor-network Theory Actor-network theory
- Retrospective Coherence in a Complex World How oversimplified narratives distort the past and hinder decision-making
Posts that link to this post
- What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other
- A Slight Modification to VUCA Volatility, uncertainty, confusion and ambiguity
Status: Work in progress.
Tags: complex adaptive system (18) | complex problems (5) | complex system (14) | complexity (92) | unintended consequences (13)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)
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Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
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Thursday 27th February 2025, 15:00 to 19:00 London time (GMT)
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