A Brief History of Knowledge 200,000 years of human history

Introduction: Two Worlds Knowledge Revolutions Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Human knowledge has evolved over millennia, shaping our societies and cultures. However, we often overlook the broad historical context of how knowledge developed. Understanding the history of knowledge helps us navigate the present and make informed decisions for the future. Introduction In an … Continue reading A Brief History of Knowledge 200,000 years of human history

Knowledge Revolutions The evolution of knowledge

A Brief History of Knowledge The Enlightenment Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The way we acquire, process, and share information is rapidly changing. These shifts present both opportunities and challenges in navigating an increasingly complex world. By understanding historical knowledge revolutions, we can better prepare for the implications of emerging technologies such as … Continue reading Knowledge Revolutions The evolution of knowledge

The Enlightenment The Age of Reason

Knowledge Revolutions Enlightenment 2.0 Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Enlightenment, known as the “Age of Reason,” was a profound intellectual exploration in the 17th and 18th centuries. It challenged traditional authority by advocating reason, freedom, and secular governance. This shift in thought laid the groundwork for modern political and social structures, emphasizing … Continue reading The Enlightenment The Age of Reason

Enlightenment 2.0 A New Enlightenment for the 21st century

The Enlightenment From Enlightenment to Entanglement Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Enlightenment laid the groundwork for modern society, emphasizing reason and science. Today, we face new global challenges that the original Enlightenment ideals alone cannot fully address. Enlightenment 2.0 seeks to update these principles, integrating diverse perspectives and ethical considerations to navigate … Continue reading Enlightenment 2.0 A New Enlightenment for the 21st century

From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world

Enlightenment 2.0 The Anthropocene Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Understanding complexity in today’s world requires a new perspective. Traditional methods struggle with the deep interconnectedness of modern systems, leading to unpredictable outcomes. Embracing the concept of entanglement helps us navigate these complexities by recognizing the need for adaptive and integrated approaches. Dave Snowden … Continue reading From Enlightenment to Entanglement Adapting to the complexities of an interconnected world

The Anthropocene The age of humans

From Enlightenment to Entanglement Two Worlds Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Humans have existed for a mere 200,000 years. Nonetheless, our impact on the Earth has been so significant that scientists are proposing that this period in the Earth’s history should be named the ‘Anthropocene’ — the age of humans. The Earth is … Continue reading The Anthropocene The age of humans