Evolution of Democracy **

Democracy has a rich and complex history that dates back to ancient civilizations. The term itself originates from the Greek words “demos” (people) and “kratos” (power), reflecting its foundational principle of people’s rule. The most celebrated early example of a democratic system is found in ancient Athens in the 5th century BCE. Athenian democracy was … Continue reading Evolution of Democracy **

Socrates on Democracy **

Socrates was one of the most influential Greek philosophers who lived in Athens during the 5th century BCE. He was known for questioning conventional wisdom and engaging fellow Athenians in dialogues about virtue, justice, and the ideal political system. On the topic of democracy, Socrates had a nuanced view. While he valued the ideals of … Continue reading Socrates on Democracy **

Modern Democracy **

Socrates’ view on democracy, which emphasized the need for education and wise decision-making, resonates profoundly in modern democratic societies. Today, the challenges he identified — such as the potential for mob rule, the importance of balancing freedom with law and order, and the necessity of civic education — are as relevant as ever. In modern … Continue reading Modern Democracy **