The Neuroscience of Conversation Conversations trigger changes in the brain

Introduction: the Neuroscience of Conversation Conversational Chemistry Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversation is not just an interactive communication between two or more people, it causes a change of emotions by inducing the brain to secrete a variety of hormones and it triggers the firing of mirror neurons that influence empathy.  In short, … Continue reading The Neuroscience of Conversation Conversations trigger changes in the brain

Conversational Chemistry The role of chemical messengers in communication

The Neuroscience of Conversation The Nature of Consciousness Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Hormones and possibly pheromones greatly influence our social interactions and conversational dynamics. The role of these chemical messengers is often overlooked, leading to miscommunications and strained relationships. Understanding the effects of these chemicals can help improve communication and interpersonal connections. … Continue reading Conversational Chemistry The role of chemical messengers in communication

The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind

Conversational Chemistry The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Human consciousness has long puzzled philosophers and scientists. The hard problem of consciousness grapples with explaining how subjective experiences arise from physical brain processes. Various approaches offer different perspectives, but a comprehensive solution remains elusive. The Meaning of the … Continue reading The Nature of Consciousness The mystery of the mind

The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Both concepts are multifaceted and the relationship is not well understood

The Nature of Consciousness Beyond the Brain Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The relationship between consciousness and intelligence is complex and not fully understood. Here’s a breakdown of their relationship: Definitions Overlap Consciousness and intelligence are functions of the brain and interact in various ways. A certain level of consciousness might be required … Continue reading The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Both concepts are multifaceted and the relationship is not well understood

Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition

The Relationship Between Consciousness and Intelligence ** Mirror Neurons Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Cognition is a complex process that involves not just our brain but also our physical body, environment, and actions. This is the idea behind 4E cognition, which encompasses the four factors that shape cognition: embodiment, embeddedness, extension, and enaction. … Continue reading Beyond the Brain The multidimensional nature of cognition

Mirror Neurons The key to social cognition

Beyond the Brain Interbrain Synchrony Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Mirror neurons, discovered in the 1990s, reveal the brain’s role in social interactions. These neurons help us understand and mimic actions, emotions, and language. Researching mirror neurons can enhance learning methods and improve social connections. Mirror neurons are a significant discovery in neuroscience, … Continue reading Mirror Neurons The key to social cognition

Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions

Mirror Neurons Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Interbrain synchrony occurs when neural activities align between people during social interactions. Understanding this phenomenon can improve communication, teamwork, and learning. Research in this field provides insights into effective social connections and may lead to advancements in education, … Continue reading Interbrain Synchrony When neural activities align between people during social interactions

Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** Neuroscience

Interbrain Synchrony The Science and Benefits of Walking ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Mirror neurons and interbrain synchrony are essential for social interactions. Misalignments can cause communication challenges. Understanding these neural mechanisms can enhance empathy, coordination, and cooperation in conversations. Mirror neurons are a groundbreaking neuroscience discovery that play a crucial role … Continue reading Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** Neuroscience

The Science and Benefits of Walking ** We are more creative when walking than sitting down

Mirror Neurons and Interbrain Synchrony Enhancing Conversation ** The Surprising Benefits of Doodling Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter According to a Stanford University study, conducted by Marily Oppezzo and Daniel L. Schwartz, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology in 2014 we are more creative when walking than sitting down. The goal of the research … Continue reading The Science and Benefits of Walking ** We are more creative when walking than sitting down

The Surprising Benefits of Doodling Doodling can help you stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information

The Science and Benefits of Walking ** Introduction: the Neuroscience of Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Recent research in neuroscience shows that doodling can help people stay focused, grasp new concepts, and retain information. Doodling, often dismissed as an idle or absentminded activity, is in fact a powerful tool that offers a … Continue reading The Surprising Benefits of Doodling Doodling can help you stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information