Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Cafés should be thoughtfully designed

Introduction: Knowledge Café Design ** Knowledge Café: Purpose Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Good conversations don’t happen by chance. Without careful planning, discussions can become unfocused, unbalanced, or ineffective. Thoughtful design helps ensure that a Knowledge Café creates the right conditions for meaningful dialogue, addressing key questions about purpose, participants, setting, and follow-up … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Cafés should be thoughtfully designed

Knowledge Café: Purpose Every Knowledge Café should have a clear purpose

Knowledge Café: Design Checklist Knowledge Café: Roles Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Knowledge Café should be designed for a specific purpose or intent. It’s not just about having learning conversations, although this is one of the primary uses. You start with the business purpose and design a Café to fulfill that aim.  … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Purpose Every Knowledge Café should have a clear purpose

Knowledge Café: Roles There are a number of different Knowledge Café players

Knowledge Café: Purpose Knowledge Café: Duration Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The participants in a Knowledge Café play several different roles. Not all of these roles are always needed, and the same person can play some roles. These are the roles: Café Owner The Café Owner is the person who has an issue or … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Roles There are a number of different Knowledge Café players

Knowledge Café: Who to Invite Who to invite and who not to invite

Knowledge Café: Naming Knowledge Café: Invitation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Who should we invite?  People should never be coerced into participating in a Knowledge Café, and care should be exercised in deciding who to invite. Getting a mix of perspectives and people who feel passionate about the topic or issues to be discussed … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Who to Invite Who to invite and who not to invite

Knowledge Café: Invitation People should not be coerced to participate in any way

Knowledge Café: Who to Invite Knowledge Café: Number of Participants Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter One of the fundamental principles of the Knowledge Café is that no one is made to do anything they do not want to do, including being there! This principle is essential as people need to feel comfortable if … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Invitation People should not be coerced to participate in any way

Knowledge Café: Number of Participants The ideal number of participants is between 12 and 24

Knowledge Café: Invitation Knowledge Café: Triggering the Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The standard Knowledge Café process is designed to cater for between 12 and 24 people.  For smaller or larger numbers it does not work so well for a number of reasons. For less than 12 people, certainly less than 9 … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Number of Participants The ideal number of participants is between 12 and 24

Knowledge Café: Triggering the Conversation There are a number of ways in which you can trigger the conversation

Knowledge Café: Number of Participants Knowledge Café: Setting the Context with Video ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations thrive when people have a clear starting point. Without context, discussions can drift or fail to engage participants. A well-structured introduction—whether a short talk, a debate, or a reading—sets the stage and focuses attention, … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Triggering the Conversation There are a number of ways in which you can trigger the conversation

Knowledge Café: Setting the Context with Video ** A short video makes a good way to set the context for a Café conversation

Knowledge Café: Triggering the Conversation Knowledge Café: Posing the Question Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A powerful method to set the context for  Café conversations is to use video. This can be done in a variety of ways. The topic/context can be set by showing a short video rather than having a speaker. The … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Setting the Context with Video ** A short video makes a good way to set the context for a Café conversation

Knowledge Café: Posing the Question To trigger the conversation

Knowledge Café: Setting the Context with Video ** Knowledge Café: Small Group Design Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café conversation is triggered or provoked in one of several ways but in general consists of setting the context and posing a powerful question. Posts that link to this post Knowledge Café: the Speaker The … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Posing the Question To trigger the conversation

Knowledge Café: Small Group Design The ideal small group size is three or four

Knowledge Café: Posing the Question Knowledge Café: Large Group Design ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Over the years, in running my Knowledge Cafés, I have discovered through experimentation and observation that the ideal group size for interactive conversation is three or four people. Three or four people are ideal for small group … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Small Group Design The ideal small group size is three or four

Knowledge Café: Large Group Design ** The Knowledge Café works best for between twelve to twenty-four people

Knowledge Café: Small Group Design Knowledge Café: Required Resources Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café works best for between twelve to twenty-four people though I have run Cafés for as few six people and as many as 80. For my regular public London Knowledge Cafés, I often get 50 to 60 people … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Large Group Design ** The Knowledge Café works best for between twelve to twenty-four people

Knowledge Café: Required Resources Running a Knowledge Café requires minimal resources

Knowledge Café: Large Group Design ** Knowledge Café: Conversational Topics Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Good conversation doesn’t need complex setups or special tools. Without the right space, structure, or question, discussions can lose focus or energy. A simple venue, a clear question, and a skilled facilitator create the conditions for meaningful dialogue … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Required Resources Running a Knowledge Café requires minimal resources

Knowledge Café: Measuring Success The outcomes are what you take away in your head - note taking is a distraction

Knowledge Café: Conversational Topics Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Measuring the success of a Knowledge Café is not easy.  Measuring the success of a Knowledge Café is not easy. First, there is no single measure of the success of a Café. Second, there are no planned outcomes. Furthermore, the … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Measuring Success The outcomes are what you take away in your head – note taking is a distraction

Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head - note taking is a distraction

Knowledge Café: Measuring Success Knowledge Café: Graphic Recording ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café is fundamentally about conversation. Its value lies in the quality of the conversations that take place. The actual outcomes are what people take away in their heads.  The Dilemma Capturing the outcomes of a Café is often … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes The outcomes are what you take away in your head – note taking is a distraction

Knowledge Café: Graphic Recording ** Real-time capture of the Café conversations in pictures, words, and color

Knowledge Café: Capturing Outcomes Knowledge Café: Background Music ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Graphic recording is the real-time capture of a conversation by a graphic recorder who listens to a conversation and illustrates what they hear using pictures, words, and color. Graphic recording happens in real-time so you can see conversations as … Continue reading Knowledge Café: Graphic Recording ** Real-time capture of the Café conversations in pictures, words, and color