Introduction: Knowledge Café Applications The Knowledge Café is as much a state of mind as it is a fixed process

Conference Café ** Conversations That Drive Change Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café is as much a state of mind as a fixed process. It is a way of viewing the world through a  conversational lens. It is about looking at any organizational process or activity and asking: How can I … Continue reading Introduction: Knowledge Café Applications The Knowledge Café is as much a state of mind as it is a fixed process

Conversations That Drive Change Using Knowledge Cafés for transformation and change

Introduction: Knowledge Café Applications Reading Group Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Organizations rely on conversations to navigate change. Too often, these conversations are one-way, with managers pushing decisions instead of engaging people in meaningful dialogue. Knowledge Cafés create space for open discussions, helping teams make sense of change, break down silos, and … Continue reading Conversations That Drive Change Using Knowledge Cafés for transformation and change

Reading Group Café A reading group, reading circle or book discussion club

Conversations That Drive Change Engagement Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A powerful application of the Knowledge Café uses the process as the backbone of a reading group, reading circle, or book discussion club. Book discussion clubs are limited to 12 to 16 people, and members meet about once a month to discuss … Continue reading Reading Group Café A reading group, reading circle or book discussion club

Engagement Café Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.

Reading Group Café Marketing Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An Engagement Café is a form of Knowledge Café designed to help people engage with an issue such as a new policy or procedure in the context of their organization. The problem Individuals and workgroups in organizations frequently write policy documents and … Continue reading Engagement Café Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.

Sales Café Ditch the pitch - create sales conversations

Marketing Café ** Future Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter One of the fundamental philosophies underpinning Conversational Leadership is the need to stop talking at people and to start to talk with them. We need to give fewer presentations and convene more conversations. This philosophy applies to sales situations, whether we are trying to … Continue reading Sales Café Ditch the pitch – create sales conversations

Future Café Explore trends and issues that shape, influence and impact the future

Sales Café Scenario Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Future Café is a form of Knowledge Café designed to explore trends and issues that shape, influence or in some way impact the future. The Purpose There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance. Credit: … Continue reading Future Café Explore trends and issues that shape, influence and impact the future

Collective Sense-making Café ** Only a community of minds can show us the truth

Scenario Café ** Focus Group Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Collective Sense-making [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Scenario Café ** Focus Group Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter CHAPTER NAVIGATION Knowledge Café Space Conversational Learning Close Pop-up all Chapters Tags: collective sensemaking (8) SEARCHGoogle Web Search This page is part of … Continue reading Collective Sense-making Café ** Only a community of minds can show us the truth

Focus Group Café An improvement on traditional focus groups?

Collective Sense-making Café ** Ideation Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter There are several ways to obtain people’s opinions and feedback. Surveys, interviews, and focus groups are three of the most common. The Focus Group Café is another possibility. Surveys The first method is the ubiquitous questionnaire or survey form. They are convenient … Continue reading Focus Group Café An improvement on traditional focus groups?

Ideation Café A conversation to solve problems or generate ideas

Focus Group Café Idea Campaign Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An Ideation Café is a conversational method used to generate ideas to address a particular issue, problem, or opportunity. It is an adaptation of the Knowledge Café and avoids some of the criticisms of the traditional brainstorming process. Resources Article: Groupthink: The brainstorming myth by … Continue reading Ideation Café A conversation to solve problems or generate ideas

Idea Campaign Café A series of focused conversations to generate ideas

Ideation Café Decision Making Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An Idea Campaign Café is a conversational method that you can use to solicit ideas on a particular issue, problem, or opportunity. It draws upon the conversational power of the Ideation Café (a variant of the Knowledge Café) and the Randomised Coffee Trial processes. Background Many … Continue reading Idea Campaign Café A series of focused conversations to generate ideas

Decision Making Café Using the Knowledge Café to make better decisions

Idea Campaign Café Question Storming Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café is not about decision-making but can be combined with other decision-making processes to help make better decisions. How often have you taken part in a meeting to decide an issue where there have been two factions in the … Continue reading Decision Making Café Using the Knowledge Café to make better decisions

Question Storming Café ** Questions can be more powerful than answers at times

Decision Making Café Conference Café ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The purpose of a Questionstorming Café is not to come up with ideas but to generate questions. Designing a Café to come up with lots of powerful questions around a problem, a challenge, or an issue is a creative way of provoking … Continue reading Question Storming Café ** Questions can be more powerful than answers at times