Introduction: Conversational Methods Ways of structuring conversations

World Café Improving Performance with After-action Reviews Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A conversational method is a method of facilitation that helps create more open and inclusive conversations among a group. It is designed to empower individuals and groups to take more ownership of the conversation, regardless of their role or position within … Continue reading Introduction: Conversational Methods Ways of structuring conversations

Improving Performance with After-action Reviews Building a culture of improvement

Introduction: Conversational Methods Anecdote Circles Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter It’s easy to move from one activity to the next without pausing to reflect. This absence of reflection often results in repeated mistakes and missed opportunities for improvement. As a vital tool in Conversational Leadership, regularly using After-Action Reviews allows teams to learn … Continue reading Improving Performance with After-action Reviews Building a culture of improvement

Anecdote Circles A narrative technique to guide participants in sharing stories

Improving Performance with After-action Reviews Conversation Covenant Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An anecdote circle is a narrative technique used to guide participants in sharing stories. Shawn’s first anecdote circle | Shawn Callahan Resources Anecdote: Anecdote Circles Deloitte: Anecdote Circles Cognitive Edge: Cynefin: Anecdote Circles Continue reading Anecdote Circles A narrative technique to guide participants in sharing stories

Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations

Anecdote Circles Brainstorming Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In challenging conversations, differing viewpoints can lead to tension and misunderstandings. A conversation covenant offers a structured approach to ensure respectful, constructive dialogue. By establishing agreed-upon guidelines, it helps create a safe environment for discussing even the most difficult topics. What is a conversation covenant? … Continue reading Conversation Covenant Creating a psychologically safer space for difficult conversations

Brainstorming A group discussion to produce a list of ideas or solutions to a problem.

Conversation Covenant Brown-bag Lunches ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is brainstorming? Brainstorming is a popular ideation technique for generating new ideas. The basic premise is to get a group together and have them share their ideas freely, without judgment. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, regardless of … Continue reading Brainstorming A group discussion to produce a list of ideas or solutions to a problem.

Brown-bag Lunches ** An informal opportunity to learn at work

Brainstorming C-group Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A brown bag lunch is a casual, in-work learning experience for employees. It is often used as an occasional means of conveying work-related information but primarily broadens employee knowledge on non-work or job-specific subjects and ideas. The term “brown bag lunch” originally referred to the practice … Continue reading Brown-bag Lunches ** An informal opportunity to learn at work

C-group Develop your interpersonal and conversational skills

Brown-bag Lunches ** Bridging Divides ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Purpose The C-group is an innovative, experiential, and transformative learning methodology that enables a small group of people to practice and develop their interpersonal and conversational skills. These competencies are critical in a complex world. Group size The group size is 6 … Continue reading C-group Develop your interpersonal and conversational skills

Bridging Divides **

C-group Community of Innovation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Resources OECD: Bridging divides in a post-truth world [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION C-group Community of Innovation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter CHAPTER NAVIGATION Conversational Leadership Habits Discourse and Narrative Close Pop-up all Chapters SEARCHGoogle Web Search Photo Credits:  Robert Lamb … Continue reading Bridging Divides **

Community of Innovation ** A form of community of practice that is dedicated to the support of innovation.

Bridging Divides ** Community of Practice ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Community of Innovation (COI) is a  form of Community of Practice that is dedicated to the support of innovation. Resources Wikipedia: Community of innovation [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Bridging Divides ** Community of Practice ** Close Pop-up all posts in … Continue reading Community of Innovation ** A form of community of practice that is dedicated to the support of innovation.

Community of Practice ** A group of people who share a passion for something they do

Community of Innovation ** Connection Before Content Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A community of practice (COP) is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. Credit: Etienne Wenger Resources Wikipedia: Community of practice [Status: … Continue reading Community of Practice ** A group of people who share a passion for something they do

Connection Before Content Without relatedness, no work can occur

Community of Practice ** Conversare Events Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Relationships shape how we work together. Too often, tasks take priority over connection, making collaboration difficult. Building relationships first—connection before content—creates trust, engagement, and openness, ensuring meaningful work can happen. Too often in organizational life, we ask things of people or try … Continue reading Connection Before Content Without relatedness, no work can occur

Conversare Events Social gatherings which people engage in one-to-one conversation with a stranger

Connection Before Content Understanding Debates Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversare events are social gatherings in public places where people engage in one-to-one conversations with strangers.  Conversare events are the brainchild of Alan Stewart, who runs them in Adelaide, Australia. Alan describes them this: The name Conversare (pronounced conversari) comes from the Latin: to … Continue reading Conversare Events Social gatherings which people engage in one-to-one conversation with a stranger

Understanding Debates Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it

Conversare Events The Dérive Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Debates are an essential part of communication, allowing for the exchange of differing viewpoints. However, understanding their various forms and purposes can be challenging. By exploring the structure and significance of debates, we can better appreciate their role in public discourse and critical thinking.   … Continue reading Understanding Debates Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it

The Dérive An unplanned journey through a urban landscape

Understanding Debates Dialogue Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A dérive is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, on which the subtle aesthetic contours of the surrounding architecture and geography subconsciously direct the travelers with the ultimate goal of encountering an entirely new and authentic experience. Status: a collection of notes that … Continue reading The Dérive An unplanned journey through a urban landscape

Dialogic Organization Development From a dialogic perspective, change results from transformational conversations

Dialogue Flipped Teaching Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Dialogic Organization Development or Dialogic OD, for short, is about “changing the conversations” that shape everyday thinking and behavior. Diagnostic OD Organization Development (OD) has been around since the early 50s and traditionally has focused on what is termed diagnostic OD. OD is the theory … Continue reading Dialogic Organization Development From a dialogic perspective, change results from transformational conversations

Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information - so watch lectures at home

Dialogic Organization Development The Power of Team Huddles Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Flipped teaching reverses, or “flips”, traditional in-class lectures and homework. Students watch the teacher’s prerecorded lecture at home, and in-class time is used for students to test their skills, apply their knowledge, and interact through hands-on projects, discussions, and exercises. … Continue reading Flipped Teaching Speech is a bad medium for communicating information – so watch lectures at home

The Power of Team Huddles How brief team gatherings can align, motivate, and connect

Flipped Teaching The Oracy Lab Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Team alignment and communication can be challenging. Miscommunication and lack of cohesion often result in inefficiencies and missed opportunities. As a key tool of Conversational Leadership, Huddles offer a quick, effective way for teams to connect, share updates, and maintain focus on common … Continue reading The Power of Team Huddles How brief team gatherings can align, motivate, and connect

The Oracy Lab An experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations

The Power of Team Huddles Ongoing Performance Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Oracy Lab is an experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations and spoken communication for conveying meaning and co-creating a deeper understanding of the complexity and dynamics of the world. Oracy is the ability to speak … Continue reading The Oracy Lab An experimental space for exploring the power and possibilities of conversations

Ongoing Performance Conversations From annual performance reviews to on-going performance conversations

The Oracy Lab Open Space Technology ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The days of the traditional annual or semi-annual performance review are coming to an end at many companies. These formal reviews are being replaced by more regular coaching conversations between managers and employees. Annual performance reviews have many flaws. They often … Continue reading Ongoing Performance Conversations From annual performance reviews to on-going performance conversations

Open Space Technology ** No formal agenda

Ongoing Performance Conversations Peer Assist Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Open Space Technology was created in the mid-1980s by organizational consultant Harrison Owen when he discovered that people attending his conferences loved the coffee breaks better than the formal presentations and plenary sessions. Open Space events have no keynote speakers, no pre-announced schedules … Continue reading Open Space Technology ** No formal agenda

Peer Assist Learn from your peers; someone has already done it

Open Space Technology ** Pitching by Conversation ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Peer Assist is a conversational method that brings together a group of peers to elicit feedback on a problem, project or activity, and draw lessons from the participants’ knowledge and experience. An introduction to peer assists Resources Blog … Continue reading Peer Assist Learn from your peers; someone has already done it

Randomised Coffee Trials It is just a coffee, but at the same time it is much more

Pitching by Conversation ** Ritual Dissent ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A Randomized Coffee Trial, also known as an RCT, is a social experiment where individuals are randomly matched for coffee meetings, aiming to facilitate serendipitous connections, knowledge sharing, and relationship building in a casual setting. The History The original idea was … Continue reading Randomised Coffee Trials It is just a coffee, but at the same time it is much more

Ritual Dissent ** A structured way for a group of peers to criticize proposals or ideas

Randomised Coffee Trials Speed Consulting Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Ritual Dissent is a structured way for a group of peers to criticize proposals or ideas by subjecting them to ritualized dissent in order to improve them. Resources Ritual Dissent Cynefin: Ritual Dissent Blog Post: Ritual Dissent, Facilitation that Goes Beyond Comfortable Consensus by … Continue reading Ritual Dissent ** A structured way for a group of peers to criticize proposals or ideas

Speed Consulting Drawing on the experience of others

Ritual Dissent ** Speed-conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Speed consulting is a conversational method that draws on the experience of participants to advise each other on how to address a specific problem or issue. It uses small group conversation and a fast-paced schedule to focus participants on providing concrete, actionable advice. Resources … Continue reading Speed Consulting Drawing on the experience of others

Speed-conversation Without relatedness, no work can occur

Speed Consulting Street Epistemology Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter I often run a speed-conversation session at the start of a Knowledge Café and workshops or conferences. It is a great ice-breaker and exceptionally easy to run.  Sometimes speed-conversation is called speed-networking, but I prefer to call it speed-conversation as it is far more about … Continue reading Speed-conversation Without relatedness, no work can occur

Spectrum Street Epistemology

Street Epistemology Reverse Brainstorming Café Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Spectrum Street Epistemology is a variation of Street Epistemology that encourages people to explore their beliefs along a spectrum rather than as fixed positions. Instead of framing discussions as debates, it invites participants to reflect on how confident they are in their views … Continue reading Spectrum Street Epistemology

Reverse Brainstorming Café Brainstorming the opposite of what you want

Spectrum Street Epistemology Theodore Zeldin’s Conversation Dinners Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Coming up with new ideas or insights in a conventional brainstorming session is often hard work and not very engaging. An alternative approach is the so-called reverse brainstorming. Overview of the process The concept of reverse brainstorming is simple: rather than … Continue reading Reverse Brainstorming Café Brainstorming the opposite of what you want

Theodore Zeldin’s Conversation Dinners Dinner and a stimulating conversation with a stranger

Reverse Brainstorming Café Town Hall Meeting ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Conversation Dinner, inspired by Theodore Zeldin, connects strangers for meaningful conversation. With a unique menu of thought-provoking questions, it encourages open exchanges that move beyond small talk, creating opportunities for deep, memorable connections. The idea of the Conversation Dinner comes … Continue reading Theodore Zeldin’s Conversation Dinners Dinner and a stimulating conversation with a stranger

Town Hall Meeting ** A meeting in which a report is made and participants have an opportunity to ask questions

Theodore Zeldin’s Conversation Dinners Unhurried Conversations ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Traditional Town Hall Meeting Town hall meetings also referred to as town halls or town hall forums, are a way for local and national politicians to meet with their constituents, either to hear from them on topics of interest or to … Continue reading Town Hall Meeting ** A meeting in which a report is made and participants have an opportunity to ask questions

World Café A conversational process intended to facilitate open and intimate discussion

Unhurried Conversations ** Introduction: Conversational Methods Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The World Café is a structured conversational process intended to facilitate open and intimate discussion, and link ideas within a larger group to access the “collective intelligence” or collective wisdom in the room. World Café Description The World Café is a structured conversational process … Continue reading World Café A conversational process intended to facilitate open and intimate discussion