Introduction: Conversational Learning Unleashing knowledge

Collective Sense-making The Power of Peer Instruction Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversational learning is a form of learning that takes place through meaningful conversations and interactions between individuals. It emphasizes the importance of dialogue, exchange of ideas, and active engagement in the learning process. Unlike traditional, more one-sided learning forms, conversational learning … Continue reading Introduction: Conversational Learning Unleashing knowledge

The Power of Peer Instruction Why explaining ideas to others leads to deeper learning

Introduction: Conversational Learning The Power of Peer Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Traditional lectures often fail to engage students in real understanding. People need more than just information—they need to make sense of it through discussion. Peer Instruction helps by encouraging learners to explain ideas to each other, leading to deeper learning … Continue reading The Power of Peer Instruction Why explaining ideas to others leads to deeper learning

The Power of Peer Learning Why learning from each other leads to deeper understanding and better problem-solving

The Power of Peer Instruction Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People learn best when they share ideas and experiences. Traditional learning often focuses too much on passive instruction, missing the value of conversation and reflection. Peer learning creates opportunities for discussion, helping people deepen their understanding, develop new … Continue reading The Power of Peer Learning Why learning from each other leads to deeper understanding and better problem-solving

Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Rethinking how we learn and lead

The Power of Peer Learning Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter People learn differently, and how they engage with knowledge shapes their understanding. Traditional teaching methods often focus on delivering information rather than encouraging discussion and exploration. Peer instruction and peer learning offer different approaches that help people engage actively, … Continue reading Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Rethinking how we learn and lead

Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Knowledge isn't there the way ore is buried

Peer Instruction Vs. Peer Learning Learn by Talking Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter How can we effectively share knowledge, particularly tacit knowledge, which cannot be easily encoded into information or implicit knowledge that is not consciously known? The Nature of Knowledge Knowledge is etched into our minds in long-term memory from experience, years … Continue reading Sharing Knowledge Through Conversation Knowledge isn’t there the way ore is buried

Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool

Learn by Talking Introduction: Conversational Learning Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter How do we make sense of the world so we can act in it? Collective Sensemaking How do we make sense of the world? Sense-making: How do we make sense of the world so we can act in it? Credit: Dave Snowden … Continue reading Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool