Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills The technical abilities we use during a conversation

Impossible Conversations Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversational Leadership Skills Posts that link to this post The Four Levels of Knowledge Management The relation between Conversational Leadership and Knowledge Management Introduction: Practicing Conversational Leadership Anyone can practice conversational leadershipPOST NAVIGATION Impossible Conversations Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership … Continue reading Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills The technical abilities we use during a conversation

Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Communicating effectively in spoken language

Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills Conversational Self-awareness Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Without oracy skills, we would struggle to communicate our ideas and opinions, leading to challenges in personal and professional settings. This can include difficulty building relationships, advocating for ourselves, and contributing to group discussions. What is oracy? Simply put, oracy is the … Continue reading Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Communicating effectively in spoken language

Conversational Self-awareness Being aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors during a conversation

Oracy Is a Core Conversational Leadership Skill Conversation Through the Lens of the Johari Window Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Not being self-aware can lead to difficulty in personal growth and development, poor decision-making, and challenges in understanding and managing our emotions and behavior. It is a critical Conversational Leadership skill. What is … Continue reading Conversational Self-awareness Being aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors during a conversation

Conversation Through the Lens of the Johari Window Understanding ourselves and others through conversation

Conversational Self-awareness Conversational Awareness Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships and developing self-awareness. When communication breaks down or misunderstandings occur, it can strain personal connections. The Johari Window model offers a valuable framework to enhance communication and foster mutual understanding. INTRODUCTION The Johari Window is a psychological … Continue reading Conversation Through the Lens of the Johari Window Understanding ourselves and others through conversation

Conversational Awareness The skill of being able to pay attention to various elements of a conversation

Conversation Through the Lens of the Johari Window Empathy Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations are essential to our lives; however, we often lack awareness during interactions, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Developing conversational awareness through active listening, open-mindedness, and self-reflection can enhance communication skills and build stronger relationships. What is awareness? Awareness … Continue reading Conversational Awareness The skill of being able to pay attention to various elements of a conversation

Empathy Understanding and share the feelings of others

Conversational Awareness Cultural Competence ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A lack of empathy can lead to difficulties building relationships, communication problems, reduced collaboration, and increased conflict and aggression. It also makes it challenging to understand and relate to the emotions, feelings, and perspectives of others. Empathy is an essential Conversational Leadership skill. … Continue reading Empathy Understanding and share the feelings of others

Critical Thinking ** Analyzing information and arguments to make sound judgments and decisions

Open Mindedness ** Active Listening ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Critical thinking objectively analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes information to form a reasoned judgment or decision. It involves using logic and reasoning to examine assumptions, arguments, evidence, and alternative perspectives to arrive at well-informed and justified conclusions. If you can think, and speak, … Continue reading Critical Thinking ** Analyzing information and arguments to make sound judgments and decisions

The Art of Navigating Conversations Choosing our repsonses carefully

Active Listening ** Conversational Continuous Self-improvement ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The success of a conversation largely depends on how we choose to respond during our turn to speak. Our responses can either facilitate a productive, high-quality discussion or derail it entirely. It is, therefore, essential to carefully consider our words, tone, … Continue reading The Art of Navigating Conversations Choosing our repsonses carefully

Conversational Continuous Self-improvement ** Making ongoing incremental improvements to our conversations

The Art of Navigating Conversations Difficult Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is conversational continuous self-improvement? We can improve our conversational abilities through the process of conversational continuous self-improvement.  Our goal is to become more effective and confident in our ability to communicate with others. How can we continuously improve our conversational … Continue reading Conversational Continuous Self-improvement ** Making ongoing incremental improvements to our conversations

Difficult Conversations Navigating emotionally challenging conversations

Conversational Continuous Self-improvement ** Impossible Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A difficult conversation is unpleasant, one where we feel discomfort and awkwardness, such as asking our boss for a pay rise or confronting a neighbor. So how do we handle difficult conversations? Examples of difficult conversations include: Discussing a difficult diagnosis. Breaking … Continue reading Difficult Conversations Navigating emotionally challenging conversations

Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides

Difficult Conversations Introduction: Conversational Leadership Skills Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter An impossible conversation may feel futile as it occurs between individuals who possess radically different ideas, beliefs, morals, politics, or worldviews. Such conversations are likely to lead to arguments and even physical altercations. So, how can we engage in impossible conversations? To … Continue reading Impossible Conversations Navigating conversations across ideological divides